Brothers, Sisters, and Mini Stories

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Avatar: Hey guys what is it like to have siblings?

Phoenix Prince: You've met my sister imagen putting up with that for fourteen years

Scary Water-bender: To be honest sometimes I wish Zuko was my brother

Scary Water-Bender: He much less annoying

Dragon Princess: I wish to be an only child

Bendy chick: I'm one of 7 identical sisters

Phoenix Prince: I've met her sisters so confusing

Hated by Fire: I'm an only child 

Toph: same

Quiet but Deadly: My baby brother is nice

Idiot: Hey Zuko why does Azula hate u?

Phoenix Prince: Bc she is the prefect bending prodigy and I'm just her weaker older brother who doesn't deserve anything remotely nice or to live

Quiet but Deadly: Zuko are you ok?

Scary Water-Bender: I agree with Mai

~~~Phoenix Prince has left the chat~~~

Dragon Princess: You are not leaving me alone with them

~~~Dragon Princess adds Phoenix Prince to the chat~~~

Phoenix Prince: Just let me be

Avatar: So Sokka and Katara have good relationship Same with Mai and Tom Tom. but Zuko and Azula...not so good

Dragon of the West: Putting it nicely yes

Hated by fire change his name to Freedom

Freedom: Guys Zuko just collapsed and he doesn't look so good

Dragon of the West: Oh dear I think he's suffering something more spiritual but he'll be out for a while

The Greatest Earth-bender: Great can we kidnap him now

Dragon Princess: I found him and Jet look for a fire flare

Uses Fans: ?

Chief of the South: My men and I found the princess 

~~~~~~~~~~~~mini story~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The gaang saw Azula's blue flames and landed to see Zuko in his dragon form. Katara got to work even though Zuko didn't want any help. Zuko would move whenever Katara 

"Unless you want me to freeze you to the ground. You better stay put. Now swallow your stupid pride and let me help." Katara shouted at the prince. That got Zuko's attention as he calmed down though he wasn't happy about it but stayed put. Aang and Sokka peaked out from behind Toph and Jet a little scared.

"Really?" the freedom fighter leader asked looking Sokka. "Hey she cut threw a solid iceberg just  yelling at me." Sokka defended himself.

"Zuko didn't seem too scared." Aang points outs seeing how the firebender reacted. He seemed tired almost used to it. Aang also noticed how Zuko weakly freaked out when Katara and Sokka's dad got close to help.

"I suggest you don't get too close to Zuko. He's not fond of father figures." Mai states as Iroh helped his nephew. Hakoda looked concerned as the way Zuko reacted to him looked scared.

The others beside Toph just stayed out of the way. Jet couldn't help but take in Zuko's dragon form. He was big about the size of Appa maybe a little smaller with beautiful scales that transitioned from red to gold that shimmered in the light. Scales were missing around Zuko's left eye were his scar was.

Jet was brought back from his thoughts when Katara spoke. "He should be fine for now but we should take him somewhere safer." Aang's face lit as an idea hit him. "We're not too far from the Western Air Temple we should be safe there."

"A great idea not very many people would check there." Iroh exclaims with a smile. They had got Zuko on Appa and made their way to the temple. 


Sorry if this is too inconsistent I'm trying my best

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