Sokka did something Stupid

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~~~~Freedom has joined the chat~~~~

Freedom: Hey Mushi how fast are dragons?

Dragon of the West: Depends on the age juvenal dragons are fast not as much as adults. Why do you ask?

Scary Water-Bender: Sokka was tying some rope to Zuko

Avatar: And Zuko did not like and is now and took off flying but the other end of the rope was tied to Sokka's ankle 

Scary Water-bender: who tied the rope

Dragon Princess: I did because I knew Zuko would do that

Chief of the South: Where are Aang and Toph?

Freedom: With me

Scary Water-Bender: and where r u?

Freedom: hitching a ride on Zuko's back

Avatar: This fuuuunnnn

Idiot: Hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeelllllllllllpppppppppppp

Snowy: don't worry I have someone that could help

/////////Mini Story/////////

Dragon Zuko was flying all over the place making sure Sokka was being hit by branches. Sokka finally manages to climb the rope and sits with Jet, Toph and Aang. "Jet, we need to get back to the temple." Sokka shouted.

"Love to but we can't get him to listen to us." The former freedom fighter states. Zuko continues flying until he hears someone call his name some one he hadn't heard in a long time. Zuko stopped mid air and shot back to the temple.

Once they got Aang was smiling asking if their new guess arrived. Suddenly Usra appeared  Azula and Zuko looked stunned.

"Who are you?" Sokka asked falling off Zuko's back. Katara noted similar features between the woman and Azula. Azula stood straight and didn't look impressed. "Mother, So nice to see you after five years." the fire princess greets coldly. Zuko just backed away with an upset face before flying off. Aang looked confused just like everyone else

"I thought they would be happy to see their mom again?" Aang explained. Ursa walked over and gave the avatar a reassuring smile. "It was a sweet and honorable thing to do for my kids. But I been out of their lives for five years. I never had a good relationship with Azula and I was one of very few who actually cared about Zuko. So there was bound to a strained relationship between us." the former Fire lady explained.

Iroh placed a hand on Ursa's shoulder. "Don't worry just give them and be there for them. They'll come around. " Ursa smiled at her former brother-in-law.

"I hope you are right."

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