Everyone Here

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Toph uses speech text and Zuko uses it sometime because he's partly blind in this fic.


Century child- What's this?

Snowy: Hey I'm Snowy 

Painted Lady: Nice to meet you

Blue Spirit: Why am I here

Snowy: Bc you have no friends and that needs to change

Boomerang: LOL you just got outed

Snowy: Said the guy who thought girls were weak

Psycho Girl, Sunny Girl, Blind Bandit and Scary Girl: HE WHAT?!?!?!

Needs to think: Wow that's the stupidest thing to think smh

Blue Spirit: And that's coming from you

Century Child: Wait whose all here?

Boomerang: Sokka

Painted Lady: Katara

Blue Spirit: Zuko. 

Needs to Think: Jet

Blind Bandit: Toph

Boomerang: How are you texting?

Snowy: She is using a speech to text thing and Zuko I set it up for you to just in case

Everyone-minus Zuko: ?

Snowy: don't worry about it

Warrior Chic: Suki

Tea man: Hello

Psycho and Blue Spirit: Uncle?

Snowy: yes he's here too get on with it

Scary Girl: Mai

Psycho Girl: Azula and I'm not a psycho

Blue Spirit: Yes you are

Sunny Girl: Ty-Lee

Century Child: That clears it up

Needs to think: Hey what's with Lee's and Katara's names?

Everyone minus Iroh and Zuko: Lee?

Snowy: Lee was Zuko's fake name when he and Iroh tried to get a fresh start.

Snowy: And both Zuko and Katara both pretended to be spirits and did good

Warrior Chic: Okay then why is Jet's 'Needs to think'?

Painted Lady: Bc he wanted to blowup a dam to get rid of a fire nation village😠

Blue Spirit: Got in trouble with the Dia Li trying expose me and uncle 😠

Boomerang: About that I though he was supposed to be dead?

Tea Man: No Zuko saved him by using something he shouldn't😌

Needs to think: Pretty much sums it up

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