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Hey there, and welcome to my book review corner! Since I'm a huge bookworm and chasing my dream of becoming a published author, I figured this review gig could be a win-win.

Curious about why I'm your go-to reviewer? Here's the lowdown:

I've got Bachelor's Degrees in Romanian Language and Literature/Japanese Language and Literature, plus another in Journalism and Communication. Topping it off, I snagged a Master's Degree in Media Communication and Advertising. I've been weaving words professionally for over five years, and now I'm diving into the creative writing scene.

On the review front, I've been running a blog for two years, dishing out thoughts on books I've devoured. It's still kicking, though lately, life's been a tad busy. I've also thrown on the judge hat for 'The Ultimate Romance Awards' and 'The Gold and Pearl Awards'. And  I'm currently on the judging panel for the 'The GemStone Book Awards 2024'.

I am also hosting my own contest called 'The Hot & Bothered Awards' - maybe you want to check it out.

Right now, I'm cooking up two projects: a trilogy and a standalone book.

When it comes to reviews, I'm all about honesty without unnecessary harshness. No mocking or mean vibes—because hey, we're all in this creative journey together, flaws and all.

Want to get your work reviewed? Flip through the rest of the book for all the deets!

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