"Diego, get the ship ready," I ordered as I looked at Diego and sat on the passanger seat in the ship. "I want us to leave as soon as we can."

"Do we really have to rush?" Diego chuckled and raised an eyebrow as he looked at me.

"The emperor had sent me a message and demanded I see him at once." I responded.

"I know he has." Diego sighed and looked down at the ground.

"Then what is the matter, my friend?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Nothing," Diego responded and looked back up at me. "I'm just questioning some things... that is all." Diego mumbled as he gave a lazy shrug.

"What do you mean?" I asked and leaned against my chair and crossed my arms.

"What if the empire is in the wrong?" Diego asked.

"You sound like a rebel." I gawked, sitting up and dropped my arms.

"I am just wondering, is it a crime?" Diego asked.

"It can be, if handled wrong." I pointed out.

"I am thinking out loud, that is all." Diego mumbled softly.

"Are you or are you not loyal to me?" I asked in a serious tone.

"You know I am," Diego answered, nodding. "You are my best friend."

"The same best friend who saved you from troopers who mistakened you for a rebel." I reminded him.

"I was ten, are they really that cruel?" Diego gawked.

"They are all clones, they can't think or feel." I said.

"Still," Diego chuckled. "It is pretty messed up."

"Diego, I am loyal to the empire," I sighed. "It is all I have ever known."

"I know, I know," Diego replied and rolled his eyes. "Your parents gave you over to Palpatine to train with that force thingy." Diego laughed and looked at me.

"The force is not a thingy." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"I know, I know," Diego laughed. "The force has good and evil."

"It surrounds all living things." I added.

"But you believe in the dark side." Diego said.

"If you are loyal to me, then you must be loyal to the empire." I said, looking deeply into his dark brown eyes.

"And to Palpatine."

"He will kill you if you question him."

"I do not fear him as you do, Mara."

"I can't lose you," I sighed in defeat as I shook my head. "You are all I have, Diego."

"You will always have me." Diego assured me as he took my hand into his and he gave me a warm smile.

"And you will have me forever." I replied, smiling at him.

Mara Jade Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now