"I just don't get it," I huffed as we walked back into our ship. "I thought we would find him at his home planet." I growled out. 

"Mara, I noticed when you first woke up, you seemed off." I heard Diego say as I sat on the couch. 

"I am alright, Diego." I lied to him. I did not want him to worry about me or the dream I had gotten. 

"Are you sure?" Diego asked as he sat beside me. 

"I am sure." I answered and looked at him. 

"Did you have a nightmare?" 

"I don't get nightmares," I responded, shaking my head. "Did you know that dreams show pieces of the future?" 

"No, I did not know that but again, I can't use the force." Diego chuckled. 

"You have a good point." I laughed and slowly nodded. 

"Well, where should we go next?" 

"I want to go through every planet connected to Skywalker." I answered. "It has been rumored he went to the planet, Hoth." I simply said. 

"Where did you get that from?" Diego asked. "Nobody on the planet had mentioned Hoth when we had split up for answers." Diego added, sounding confused. 

"You were not looking in all the right places." I teased, giggling. 

"Or the right people, in this case." 

"Point proven." 

"Can it change?" Diego asked. 

"Can what change?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Can the future change?" 

"Our choices make the future," I started to explain. "The future... it can always change if our mind does." I explained. 

"I had no idea that is how it worked."

"You should go, we must hurry before Palpatine starts questioning me and where we are." I answered. 

"I'll start the ship," Diego said and he got up. "We better get our big coats for this planet." Diego chuckled, walking away. 

"Okay, cool." I sighed and smiled as I watched him walk away. 

"Diego!" I screamed out as I watched a bright red lightsaber glow through Diego's chest and he fell to the ground, coughing and I ran to his side, tears falling down my cheeks as I sat beside him and I held onto him. 

"M--Mara, y--you must g--go." Diego softly coughed. 

"Diego, no," I softly cried as I touched his face. "Diego, stay with me!" I cried out. 

"Mara, I..." Diego softly murmured, coughing some more. 

"No!" I cried out as my eyes widened and I gasped, sitting up and tears fell down my face.

"Mara, are you alright?" Diego asked, running to the couch to sit by my side. 

"It felt so real," I cried softly and shook my head. "I was sure it was real." 

"Did you see something in the future?" Diego asked, giving me a side hug as he wrapped his arm around me. 

"Yes," I mumbled softly and nodded my head. "It troubled me." 

If you want to keep Diego alive, you must put your faith in me. Palpatine's voice echoed in my mind.  

"I do have faith in you, your highness," I murmured softly as I blankly looked straight aheaf. "That is why I serve you as your hand." I whispered softly. 

Kill Skywalker and you can save your friend from certain death. Palpatine's voice said in my mind. 

"Yes, your highness." I said softly. 

"Mara?" Diego whispered as I felt him rub my back. 

"I won't let what I saw happen." I said and got up on my feet. 

"You won't let what happen?" Diego asked, doing the same. 

"I won't let you die." I cried and looked at him. 

"Is that what you saw?" Diego asked as his eyes widened with shock. 

"It will not happen, I promise you that." I promised him and sighed. 

"You think Palpatine will help you?" Diego asked as I sensed him not fully trusting what I had said. 

"I know he can, I am the emperor's hand." I assured him. "He would never betray me."

Mara Jade Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now