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BlindGuy907: ''Welcome!!!'' Will be updated every once in a while. Just so you are aware.

Ok, so, this isn't a part of the story. Just a heads up about what  you should, idk maybe look out for? 

This is an AU (Alternate Universe), so it's gonna be a bit different from the game (when the time occurs) And, let's just say that CatNap's fate will be a bit different. You're not getting any spoilers in here though. And about what ships i'm gonna have in this story, you'll just have wait and see.

And by the way, i have an oc (Original Character)! So to let you know who my oc is, here is pretty much all you need to know:

This is CatBat , CatNap's twin brother, is the protective one of the group and makes sure everyone is safe physically. In dire situations, CatBat will hop in front of the group, with unbreakable willpower and Determination, He will not let his friends down no matter the cost. Though CatBat isn't the leader, he is on line with DogDay's leader title. But prefers to be known as the protector.

Scent: Valerian.

CatBat is a hybrid between a Cat, and a Bat. And being CatNap's twin they look almost identical in form. The only difference is that CatBat has small wings on his back to help him glide, and was intentionally made with more fluff than CatNap, His fur is Dark gray, with a lighter gray for his paws. And his pendant is a shield.

A shield that hides more use than it seemingly shows.

He is a chill and cool kitty, making calm solutions for stressful situations, and takes things as he goes. He dosen't think much about the future considering there really isn't much ''future'' down there in his eyes. And being a cat, and a bat. He has all of the features a bat and a cat would have. Though he hides a secret from everyone, and that secret will be more useful depending on how he uses it.

VHS Tape: (The room under the Smiling Critter statue)

''Log code: 19723, God these numbers are getting confusing... in relation. Experiment 1189: CatBat''

''He might seem plain, meek and weak at first... But don't be fooled, According to the tests, his physical, and mental attributes help him to stay cool even at the verge of death. With 3x amount of  passive regenerative capabilities, He is back on his feet before you'd expect. His reaction time is out of the ordinairy, reaching up to 2 milliseconds when feeling threatened, though a very rare occurance.''

''His agility is also absurd, reaching up to 25mph, Or, 40kmh in an alarmed state. And that's not mentioning the 3x adrenaline rush that he gets when danger occurs''

''Truly magnificent what we're able to do. Even if it took a few extra weeks to complete. Despite my dissatisfaction, i'm truly impressed with what we've created and-''

''CatBat: Heya! how's it goin'?''

''...End of log''

''CatBat, There you are Nice to see you.''

''CatBat: I could say the same Mr...''

''Call me Doctor Sawyer''

''CatBat: Alright Doctor Sawyer. What's happening?''

''I've heard that you and...''

*Cuts off* 

Cardboard cutout: (Right next to the ''elevator'' going to the CatNap boss fight room)

CatBat: Heya, I'm CatBat, wanna go see how our friends are doing?

CatBat: Let's go to DogDay's house first! *knocking*... Huh, no one's home.

CatBat: Well, Let's try Kickin's instead! *knocking* ... That's strange.

CatBat: They might be outside! There's probably a party going on somewhere. You should go! It'll be fun!

CatBat: Just, please, do it for me! I, want you to experience the party...

CatBat: ... ''the prototype will save us'' they say. What will the prototype ever give them?

CatBat: ... *Weak voice* don't worry... i-i'll... fix...... everything... It's not your fault...

(After CatNap is defeated)

CatBat: I owe you everything... Angel.

That's pretty much all i had to say for now. I will have some minor changes to how the story's gonna be told every now and then. But everything else will be pretty easy to understand as in writing. So let's get you going to the Chapter shall we?

''I slashed that monster open without remorse...'' 
''And finished what i couldn't do years ago...''
''But, there's nothing left...''
''Not, here...''
''I shouldn't keep them waiting...''
''We're reunited now...''
''Like we once were...''

''Don't worry [Redacted]...''
''I'm coming home...''

I'm coming home

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