Chapter 3 - The Council's Heir

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Raven That Caws at Dusk and Wilting Flowers in the Snow had spent several days with the beginnings of the Tribe of the Glistening Moon. All the cats were learning how to coexist and live as a tribe together, none of them used to being in groups larger than three. A few members had joined within that short span of time. Splash of Salmon, Moths Wing Over Maple Leaves, and Frozen Petals and her family. Each day, Moon and Sun had shown up with new cats. Some left to join the Tribe of the Rising Sun, while others stayed with the Moon tribe.

Raven and his sister - now referred to as Snow - had steadily been accepted into the tribe. They were getting closer to their fellow tribemates, learning about the cats that they now lived with. Raven had taken a liking to a certain few, including Salmon and Sky. He felt oddly connected to the younger she-cats, like he was meeting kin he had lost long ago.

But that made no sense. Snow and her kits, who had all long since gone on their own way, were the last of his family. Only a younger cousin from the Sun tribe was left of their kin. It had been quite a surprise to meet Whistling Wind again. He had been sure the young tom was dead, with his weak constitution. But he showed up with Sun and Moon only a few days prior, healthier than he had ever been in the time Raven had known him.

Irregardless, the connection was still there. Every time he spoke to Salmon or Sky, he felt like he was speaking to his own kits. From the pride he felt over their smallest accomplishments to the feeling of protectiveness that he had only known with Snow, it was like he was meeting daughters he had never known he had.


The voice of his sister snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked up from his meal, eyeing her warily. There was impatience in Snow's tone, an emotion she rarely ever felt. He felt his shoulders sad with dread as he turned to fully face her.

"What's wrong, Snow?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I've been looking for you all day. Where were you?" Snow asked in an unusually snappy voice, her near white eyes narrowing into a glare. But her lips betrayed her. The corners were quirking up into a smile, no matter how hard she worked to keep them down. The frown was unnatural on her face when she was trying so hard to keep from smiling. Raven's relief was a palpable feeling. He let his body relax and sat up, abandoning his prey for the moment.

"I was out hunting until just now," he said, flicking his tail at the half-eaten mouse at his paws.


"Well, what did you need me for?" Raven prompted. He watched the embarrassment fade from his sister's expression, replaced with excitement. And was that pride he could see in the depths of her irises? This time, Snow couldn't seem to resist the grin from curling her lips.

"Moon wants to talk to you. Come, hurry up. He's been waiting long enough," Snow said hurriedly, nudging Raven's shoulder. He rose reluctantly, glancing at his mouse and sighing. Looks like I won't be finishing that, he thought.

Snow had already bounded off, Raven being forced to lengthen his strides to keep up. For having such an old body, the she-cat sure could get around when she wanted. The littermates were soon walking side by side - or speed walking, if one wanted to be precise. Snow's steps were so bouncy that she was almost skipping, while Raven walked with his usual swift gait. Side by side, the pair were quite the sight to see.

They soon arrived in Moon's den, a big space where most of the healing took place. It was roofless, surrounded by bushes on all sides except for the very back, where an opening was cut out so cats could reach the river right outside. Dips were dug into the ground, where Moon kept the herbs, and nests were scattered across the space. It was a great place for cats to receive treatment.

"Moon, I finally found him!" Snow chirped, bouncing forward. Moon turned from his herbs, facing the siblings. As always, the leader of the Moon tribe had a calm expression, his voice mirroring his face as he spoke.

"Good. Thank you, Snow, I appreciate it," Moon murmured. His eyes met Raven's own and held them, something the older tom commended him for. Cats often had trouble meeting Raven's penetrating stare. "Raven, I have something important to tell you. Well, more like request of you. I'm sorry that I'm asking you this, but you're the best cat for the job."

"Go on," Raven replied, interest piqued. His salt eyes were locked on Moon, attempting to read the young leader's body language. But Moon and Raven were too similar for that. They'd have to become far closer to ever truly learn how to read each other, and even then, Raven doubted that they wouldn't struggle.

"You were all told of the council a few days ago. Now I must choose who to place in said Council. I've considered every cat that has joined us thus far, and the one who makes the most sense for this is you. More important than the Council itself is the Council's heir, and I think you'd be perfect for this role."

"That means I would be your successor, correct?" Raven inquired. When Moon nodded yes, Raven grew quiet. His salt eyes narrowed as he contemplated all that Moon had said, from today to the day the tribe had first been informed of the Council.

The Council, he had explained, were to help run the tribe, directly underneath the tribe leader. It would be made up of three cats, and one of which would be known as the Council's heir. Not only was the heir next in line to be leader, they were also the leader of the Council. The Council would be the ones to receive and interpret signs from the stars above, and they were also responsible with healing and directing warriors. They assisted the Moon caller with his every task, taking over when need be. Moon had explained to the tribe in great detail every little thing about the Council, making sure they all knew what responsibilities they might have if deemed worthy of the role.

Raven turned over every aspect in his mind, looking at the offer from every angle he could. He knew where Moon was coming from. Raven had lived longer than any other cat in the Moon tribe, and he had fought tooth and nail to keep himself and his sister safe. He had the experience and the diligence that was required for the Council, and he had an expansive knowledge on herbs. All the battles he had fought had taught him how to treat wounds, and Snow was so frail that her catching illnesses constantly was no surprise.

To add to all of that, now that the position had been offered, Raven knew he could not refuse. He could not entrust such an important job to some other cat when he had been informed that he was the best option. He would never forgive himself if anything bad were to happen because of him handing the role off. Raven could only trust himself with this job.

"I accept," Raven said at last, standing tall as he felt the weight of the responsibilities soon to come settle on his shoulders.

"Thank you, Raven. Now, it's time we inform the rest of the tribe of our decision," Moon replied, rising to his paws. He walked past the two siblings, flicking his tail as a gesture for them to follow. They turned and trailed after him, Snow still vibrating with excitement. Raven now understood what the pride in her eyes had meant earlier. Of course she was proud of him, being promoted so soon after joining the tribes.

The three cats headed into the clearing, Moon leaping deftly onto the rock in the center, clearing the little pool of water at its base easily. He stood atop his perch, looking down at the camp as he cleared his throat. His eyes met Raven's and the pair exchanged a single, respectful nod. They were a team now.

"Tribe of the Glistening Moon, assemble in the clearing for a meeting," Moon called in a clear voice, his words ringing across the camp. Cats poked their heads out of dens, slipping out of their shelters and congregating in the clearing. There were still very few members, but the tribe was growing day by day.

When all the cats had gathered, Moon began to speak once more, "I have made my decision on who will lead the Council, the cat who will replace me if ever I suddenly pass or step down. I hope that you all will support my choice, and the Ones Above will look down upon us and approve as well."

"Raven That Caws at Dusk will, from this day forward until he succeeds me, steps down, or loses his life, be the Council's heir. After much consideration, I have come to the conclusion that he is the best fit for the job. As you all know, he is well-versed in the ways of the world, from healing to fighting. I believe he will serve this tribe well. If any are opposed, speak out now."

Silence descended upon the group, their murmuring cutting off. Moon allowed the cats a few moments of quiet before ultimately deciding that no one was in opposition to the decision. He turned to face Raven, speaking once more, "Then, Raven That Caws at Dusk, do you swear to protect this tribe, even if it costs you your life? Do you swear to abide by the code, offering your guidance, healing, and protection to all who may need it? Do you swear to be loyal to the Tribe of the Glistening Moon, putting their safety above your own?"

Raven lifted his head to the sky, closing his eyes for a moment. He lowered his chin once more, lids sliding back up to reveal his cold gray eyes. "I do," Raven said, his voice hard and his eyes full of promise. No cat would ever get past him. No cat of his tribe would ever come to harm so long as he stood before them. Their trust, their very lives, had been placed in his paws, and he'd be damned if he allowed any harm to befall them. Raven would protect them the same way he had always protected Snow, he vowed to himself.

"I welcome you to the Council, Raven. I trust that you'll do well," Moon murmured, the words meant only for Raven's ears. The older tom dipped his head in acknowledgement, promising himself to never betray that trust. He would do well.

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