Chapter 2 - The New Tribes

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Raven and Snowdrop walked side by side, following Sun and Moon. Silence reigned over the group as the newest members of the tribes were led by the leaders.

A blanket of clouds covered the sky, heavy with the weight of rain. Not even a peep sounded in the still air, the prey holed up in their dens as they prepared to wait out the storm. And quite the storm it would be, if those angry purplish clouds were anything to go by.

Hopefully we'll make it to these camps before the clouds let loose on us, Raven thought, eyeing the sky warily. He was not a fan of getting wet. His thin pelt of fur hardly served to protect him from water, letting the cold soak through and settle in his very bones. Snowdrop didn't have that problem, thankfully. Her thick fur collected the water at the very top, allowing her to stay warm even in the worst storms. Raven believed it was better that way. He couldn't bear the thought of his sister getting sick, with how frail she already was.

Sun and Moon quickened their pace, as if they shared Raven's worry. Raven and Snowdrop followed suit, and the four cats hurried through the forest to find shelter.

"We'll wait out the storm in Moon's camp, as it is closer. There, the two of you can decide which tribe you want to join," Sun said over her shoulder. Raven and Snowdrop nodded.

Sun and Moon slowed down. They must have recognized something that Raven hadn't noticed, being that they were far more familiar with the lay in the land. Raven spotted a river surrounding an island. Bushes and brambles lined the edges of the piece of land. Large stones stuck out of the waters, forming an easily accessible path to the island. The four cats approached the river's bank, following a trail of flattened grass and pawprints pressed into the ground. To Raven's surprise, it was well-worn, the path sunk deep into the dirt from several seasons of cats walking along it.

"This is the Tribe of the Glistening Moon's camp. Rumors have informed us that this was once a camp for the old clans that lived here," Moon said, resting his mismatched gaze on Raven and Snowdrop as he gestured at the path leading to the camp with his tail.

"That would make sense," Raven replied.

"The tribes are small for now. Not many cats have joined us. You won't have too many introductions to make, at least not until more cats join," Sun spoke. She leaped onto the first stepping stone, her ginger and white pelt reflecting off of the waters of the river. She jumped again and Moon followed onto the first one.

As they steadily made their way across, Raven gestured for Snowdrop to go first. He'd bring up the rear so he could keep an eye on his sister, making sure he could catch her if she slipped. Snowdrop made the first jump and then the second, Raven following behind her. He made sure to stay right on her tail, ready to leap forward at even the smallest of wobbles. The caution was unnecessary, however, as they all made it across safely.

Raven stepped onto the island, cool stone replaced with soft sand pressing against his paw pads. He looked around himself, watching as a few cats slipped out of bushes or lifted up their heads from where they rested to watch the newcomers. A small number, maybe four or five. Their expressions were watchful, the look of loners another of their kind, waiting to see if a fight would break out. Raven knew that look. He wore it himself.

"Everyone, I want you to meet Raven and Snowdrop. They'll be joining the tribes. For now, they are simply resting here until the storm passes. They will decide whether they will stay here or go to the Sun camp while they are here," Moon said, addressing the tribe cats. Slowly, each cat relaxed ever so slightly, nodding. This was a routine beginning to take shape, Raven noted.

"I'm Sky Where Lone Bird Flies! You can call me Sky for short!" A feminine voice exclaimed. A thin she-cat with long legs and cream fur stood up, smiling at the siblings as she introduced herself.

"And I am Leaves That Twirl in Wind," came the gruff voice of a large tom with white fur spotted with black. "I am usually referred to as Wind, for the ease of others."

"Snow Owl That Glides Above Tall Mountain, or Owl," a white tom said, his pelt littered with random black hairs.

"I am Falcon That Hisses, and this is my little brother, Frost That Grows on Tree," spoke a dark brown tom, gesturing to a smaller replica of himself with his tail. "You can call us Falcon and Frost, if you want to."

Raven and Snowdrop exchanged a glance, curiosity in both of their eyes. Raven's was hesitant, tinged with wariness, but Snowdrop was open and intrigued. One look at her expression and Raven could tell she was hooked. He knew that look on her face. Snowdrop had found interesting information to soak up, and nothing could stop her from gathering the facts now. Raven groaned internally, a headache blooming behind his eyes as he thought about all the possibilities that could follow this. The consequences he'd have to deal with if things soured.

"If you don't mind my asking, why are your names so long?" Snowdrop inquired, her head tilting to the side as her light gray eyes danced with excitement.

"Well, it's a tribe custom," Sun explained, "All names are meant to be at least two words long. Descriptive kinds of names."

Again, Raven and Snowdrop locked eyes with each other, twin flames of confusion flaring in their irises. To Raven, the notion was impossible to understand. These cats could probably spend moons explaining it and he'd never understand why they needed to do it. In his opinion, that just made life harder than it needed to be.

"They're used to keep from confusing tribe cats and loner cats," Moon supplied, tail flicking at Sun's ear. "Sorry about this mousebrain here, she must be confusing you two."

"Hey! That's rude!" Sun sniffed, glaring at Moon.

Raven and Snowdrop looked at each other for the third time, matching expressions of amused understanding etched on their faces. Ah, now I get it. They're siblings, their faces said. They laughed, the sounds a pleasant harmony - Raven a deep, throaty chuckle and Snowdrop a bright titter.

"That makes three pairs," Snowdrop commented to her brother.

"Three of what?" Sky asked, confusion lighting up her bright blue eyes.

"Oh nothing really important," Raven replied. "Moving on to something far more important, I want to know a little more about these tribes. Care to fill us in on all the details?" He asked, turning to face Sun and Moon. Snowdrop's amusement faded, interest instantly piqued.

"Well, for starters, I am the leader of the Sun tribe, while Moon is the leader here. The tribes are separated by similar interests. Those seeking a quieter, more discreet life are welcomed in the Tribe of the Glistening Moon. Those with bigger, louder personalities are better suited for life in the Tribe of the Rising Sun," Sun spoke in a serious voice, continuing on, "We have a code that will soon be thoroughly discussed, as well as the general tribe system. For now, the names of new members will be chosen by us leaders. Kits born in these tribes will be named by their parents, of course."

Raven and Snowdrop nodded, soaking up the information. Snowdrop did so gleefully, reveling in the joy of new knowledge as she always did, while Raven was far more serious. He was the cautious one, the one always watching for signs of danger, ready to bolt at any given moment. It was no wonder why he was the one in charge between the two.

"I like the sound of the Moon tribe. I'm sorry Sun, but after seasons of struggling, I'd like to live in a calmer place," Raven said after a few moments.

"That's fine, Raven. I assume Snowdrop will also be staying here? It doesn't seem like the two of you are willing to be apart," Sun replied, gazing moving from Raven to Snowdrop, gesturing for the cream she-cat to speak.

"Yes, I'd also like to stay here."

Sun and Moon nodded, pleased smiles curling on their lips. Raven read their expressions, relieved to find that they were just happy the older siblings had agreed to join in the first place. He was glad he and Snowdrop's decision didn't offend Sun at all.

"Then why don't I give you two your tribe names?" Moon suggested with a broad grin. Snowdrop returned it, eyes sparkling with excitement. Raven simply dipped his head in acknowledgement.

Moon stood, rising to his full height and looking into the eyes of both siblings for several moments. He took a breath before he spoke, his voice filled with a power Raven recognized, a power belonging to that of a true leader, "From this day forward, you will be known as Raven That Caws at Dusk and Wilting Flowers in the Snow. I welcome you as warriors of the Tribe of the Glistening Moon."

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