Chapter 8☆

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Sorry this took so long to come out I just didn't know what to write😪.
In the following days of the court hearing, Beyonce's life started to finally go back to normal, she was back working in the cafe and feeling better than ever. The restraining order brought a sigh of relief, well at least momentarily. Their next court date wasn't until another month, that's when they would know if the restraining order is fina. But right now Beyonce's sole focus was on rebuilding, cherishing moments with Ava, and building a deeper connection with Onika.
_______A Couple days later___
One evening as the sun was setting, Beyonce and Ava returned home after a long day of shopping for necessities. The air carried a sense of peace, and for a moment it felt like the storm had passed.

"Mommy, pway?" Ava babbled, her big brown eyes sparking with anticipation

Beyonce smiled, "Of, course sweetheart."

The duo played with toys for about an hour which ended with the living room having scattered toys everywhere. Beyonce's laughs and Ava giggles filled the apartment which created a cozy atmosphere.

As Beyonce prepared dinner, which was stuffed shells with cheesy garlic bread (I have a taste for this right now). However, the atmosphere shifted subtly,as if the apartment held its breath. Beyonce shook off the uneasiness, and thought of it as mere paranoia.

But then the doorbell rang, scarring both Beyonce and Ava. Taking a deep breath, Beyonce's grip tightened on the spoon in her hand as she approached the door. A small package, neatly wrapped with a crimson ribbon, layed on the doorstep. Confusion spread across her face, as she scanned her surroundings, finding no one in sight.

"Mommy, dat?" Ava pointed to the mysterious package, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

Beyonce hesitated before picking up the package. " I don't know, bubba . It's a surprise, I guess"

Ava, drawn to the excitement, toddled over and reached for the package. " Open, Mommy, open!" she exclaimed.

Beyonce chuckled, attempting to mask the unease that had settled in. She carefully unwrapped the package, revealing an old, weathered photograph. In the picture, a younger Beyonce cradled a newborn Ava in her arms, their smiles capturing a moment of pure joy.

"Look, Ava, it's us when you were a tiny baby," Beyonce said, trying to maintain a cheerful tone.

Ava's eyes widened in wonder. "Mommy and Ava?" she asked pointing to the picture

" That's right, bubba. Mommy and Ava," Beyonce replied, still feeling very uneasy.

As Beyonce inspected the photograph, her finger brushed against an unexpected note attached to the back. She read the ominous words aloud, her voice trembling, "You can't escape the past, Beyonce. No restraining order can erase what's already imprinted. The truth will always find its way back."

A chill settled in the room, and Beyonce felt a shiver run down her spine. Ava, sensing her mother's distress, reached out and clung to Beyonce's leg.

"Mommy, wong?" Ava asked, trying to ask her mother what was wrong.

Beyonce knelt down, holding Ava close. "It's nothing, baby. Just a silly surprise. Let's put this away. Okay?" She tried to mask how she was really feeling, but Ava's innocent gaze seemed to pierce through the facade.
—---The next day—------
Beyonce glanced at Ava, playing with her toys, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing in her mother's world. As Beyonce thought about her next move, she didn't know what to think, she thought to just dismiss it. But then her phone buzzed with a text message. The number was unknown, and the message sent a shiver down her spine: "The past holds more secrets than you think."

Fear coiled in Beyonce's chest, but she refused to let it paralyze her. Instead, she decided to text back asking what the message meant but all the person replied with was an address to a cafe and a  time, which was two hours from now. She debated if she should go or not but being the naive person she was she decided to go.

Later that morning, Beyonce, with Ava in tow, made her way to the address of the same cafe. The streets buzzed with loud traffic, but she blocked that out, as she arrived hoping to find the answers she sought.

As she waited nervously, a figure approached- a man with a weathered face and piercing eyes. Beyonce swallowed her and said, "You have information?"

The man leaned back, studying her for a moment before signing. "Depends on what you're willing to trade for it."

Beyonce clenched her jaw, frustration and anger bubbling within her. " I won't play games. If you know something, tell me. It's about my daughter's safety."

The man hesitated, then whispered a name that sent shivers through her: "Eliza."

Beyonce's mind raced, trying to make sense of what the man had said. Eliza, Marucs's ex-girlfriend, had always  been a mysterious figure in their past. The man then handed her a file- photographs, documents, a trial of connection leading to Eliza's hidden life.

"A restraining order won't stop her. She's relentless, and she won't rest until she has what she wants," The man warned.

Fear mingled with determination in Beyonce's eyes. "What does she want?"

He smirked, a sinister edge to his expression. "Ava."

The meeting left Beyonce grappling with an array of emotions. Ava sensing her mother's distress,babbled words of comfort. Beyonce gathered the files and returned home, determined to do whatever it takes to protect her daughter.

As the sun went down, Beyonce and Ava huddled in their apartment. The weight of what was said pressed upon her, and Beyonce knew she had to act swiftly to protect her daughter.

Beyonce's phone buzzed again- another message from the mysterious informant . This time, it was a chilling photograph- Eliza, lurking in the shadows, watching Beyonce and Ava from a distance.

The realization hit Beyonce hard. Eliza was closer than she thought, and the threat was close. Panic surged through her vein, and with Ava cuddled into her, still asleep, she knew she had to act fast.

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