Prey - Killian

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Selah stepped up to the doorway but locked her gaze onto his with an assessing stare he couldn't hide from. Her nostrils flared and Killian knew she scented sugar with a hint of apples, "A moment. Hmmm..."

Killian didn't breathe again until she'd entered the room and shut the door behind her with a soft click. Another strangled cough from Malcolm didn't hide the other Alpha's amusement at his expense.

"Asshole," he grumbled without heat as he stepped to the side to rest his shoulder against the wall opposite the one containing the two Omegas.

Malcolm didn't even bother to try and disguise his laugh until Killian reminded him, "So you couldn't keep her home?"

"Fucker." Malcolm grumbled irritably back at him causing Killian to smile in return.

"I brought someone to see you," Malcolm lowered his voice to make sure it didn't carry further than where they stood. "He's in your room in the hotel. I'll take watch here."


"He's here unofficially. Bringing Selah here was a convenient cover for him to meet you, but he's one of you so he might respond to you better."

Killian waited for more info, but Malcolm's silent head nod towards the front entrance made it clear he wouldn't get any more from the other Alpha. With a glance at the closed door and the knowledge that anyone trying to get in that room would have to go through six and a half feet of Alpha to get to the two Omegas inside, he headed off down the hallway. Letting the shift supervisor know that he was taking a break, Killian slipped across the street to his hotel room.

Opening his door, he let the scents from his room give him some warning on who awaited him. The vague tang of a chemical cleanser hit him first. The cleaning staff used unscented products that most Alphas couldn't sense, but he'd developed his skills in hostile territories so he could pick up on things that other Alphas missed.

After he sorted and dismissed the cleanser scent, he ignored his own scent that had absorbed into the furnishings after his extended stay. Beneath all of that, he caught the faint scent of salt that hadn't been there when he left this morning. It was so very faint, he knew that someone less trained wouldn't have caught it. While the scent made him think of ocean waves, it called to his mind a memory of slinking through a jungle with his Alpha Corps brethren to rescue an ambassador and his family. They'd retrieved the ambassador's family minus their oldest daughter. An Omega, she'd been sold to the leader of the Cartel. An explosion had ripped through the sky an hour prior, and Killian and his team had been waiting with the family who had already been grieving the expected loss of their daughter.

Out of the darkness, another Alpha Corps team emerged from the dense vegetation covered in soot and blood. The scent of the ocean at night preceded the largest Alpha Killian had ever seen besides himself as Rodion Baranov entered the circle of firelight with a trembling but very much alive juvenile female Omega in his arms.

He'd deposited the female into the waiting arms of her weeping mother and retreated to where the rest of his team dropped their gear before getting water and rations. They'd had to split up again to return to base, but that night, without the civillians, the two teams had been able to debrief and relax before they each headed to their respective home bases the next morning.

Killian hadn't spent much time with Rodion's team, but he'd quickly picked up their team vibe. They were a tight knit bunch much like his own. Respect rather than fear held them together, and he'd watch the subtle way Rodion's teammates kept silently checking in with the young team commander throughout the night.

Entering his room all the way, Killian was unsurpised to see the owner of that out of place scent sitting in a chair by the bed. The sunlight filtered by the closed drapes created a pocket of shadows that wrapped around the mammoth Alpha sitting back with his ankle propped up on his opposite knee.

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