Meetings Come in Goodbyes

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It was yet another day, one that felt like any other within the small town of Hardos. A small yet formidable trading village just 10 or so miles from a very well known port along the coast. Though known, its dangerous.

Pick pockets, murders, shady business within every alley, every shadowed corner, every run down broken building from the ashes. 

Its been 34 years since The Blazing. Where dragons were provoked by the Elves and humans, and so in retaliation bands of them burned down villages, towns, and even attempted to burn down a section of the mighty king Endeavor's kingdom.

Though with his fleet of men, they shot every single last one of them down, having put out large sums of money to have the beasts captured, innocent, young, old. Didn't matter. That was until the Barbarian treaty a 23 few ago. Where kind..were taken into the Barbarian tribes. In exchange for protection we would protect them from attacks, be bodyguards, help them with anything they needed.

Many excepted...some didn't, including me. Vier, the notorious backstabbing Azulerius Dragon. One of ancients. Azulerius' aren't found often as they were the main kind to even attempt to burn down the kingdom, in which included their slaughter and bounty of demise. I'm one of the known five remaining.

 Could there be more? Sure. Do I care? Nope!

I live within this hell of a village. Full of hypocrites and people who hate my kind. The only reason as to why I'm kept around to live is because as of late trade has been poor. It is the dead middle of winter after all.

It's where tourists stop coming to see the weary cherry blossoms and where traders and travelers stop coming in general and instead head to the port near the sea of Juas. I hunt food for the people and protect them from hordes of thieves, other stray dragons and of course, Pegasus. A known fairytale and lovable being by humans but in reality they're viscous meat hungry beasts. With sharp hooves and even sharper teeth. Truly nightmare fuel. 

Currently I walk the streets of said village, within its very market to be exact. My white wings puffed out a bit with my tail swaying blissfully behind me. Sure, I'm prideful, for a hanged beast if I was to go anywhere but here. My white horns protrude from my head, causing people to stare, as if I haven't grown up with them or as if I hadn't been around much longer than they.

 I'm not old, just an adult considered by the wise ones. Two hundred and sixty years old. Two hundred being an adult age, Eight hundred being where you were considered fully grown..and that's when you stop growing, or well, your full dragon form anyways. 

Though when you hit a thousand, you grow 5 times slower, yet you still clearly get bigger. Oh how I can't wait to see those days, if I even do that is, but that's a problem for future me, its not like I'm just gonna go out of my way and get myself killed somehow.

 Head held high, I make way to my favorite bounty house to collect a new one. It was my one ticket out of the village. King shit faces knights not being able to do anything if I was sent from my own village to take care of business.

 It was a two story building with burns dancing along the bottom of it, a reminder of how it almost took down the place. The rest of it being a dark brown colored oak with the windows being a light birch. There was no door but instead beads that hung along the top of the frame. Alerting everybody to who enters and exits.

I walk in the guild; quite noisily mind you, and take a glance at the board, slit pupils dilating as I examine it. Quite boring it was, simple thieves, murders, and missing people reports. Nothing within the lines of peeking my interest. That was until my ears picked up a drunken conversation of seven men.

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