I Become Crowned Victor of Panem

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Well, for starters, you need to get changed," he chuckled, "the cameras don't wanna see the arena clothes. And second, you should know that they've been calling you Medusa. Don't let your feelings get hurt or anything, it's just them trying to make a story out of nothing."

Medusa? Where did that come from? Then I remembered, I told that story to Chip.


"Becca?" Haymitch's voice called me out of my own head, it was then I realized I must've been staring at the wall for the past five minutes.  

"Sorry,'' I mumbled out, my eyes snapping back to him.

Haymitch looked at me weird, but then patted me on my shoulder, "alright kid, get dressed, we'll land in five minutes." He said, walking out of the room and shutting the door. Leaving me all alone.

"There's no clothes!" I said to myself, walking around the room, looking all over for anything I could wear. I hummed to myself as I searched the room for clothes. "No clothes." I said again after searching the whole room. Not even socks. Not even shoes.

I found myself getting frustrated. I was wracking the room, pulling out boxes and looking in drawers, and touching things I was not supposed to touch. Before I knew it, I was curled up on the ground weeping, my body shuddering as each sob escaped my throat. Where was Haymitch? I kept wondering.

I raised my hand to rub my eyes when something cool hit my face. When I looked down, I saw Chip's ring sliding around on my finger. The tears subsided, and my gaze was fixed on the green stone embedded into the middle.

Green like the suit he wore on interview night, I thought.

I start to sob again, but this time, someone comes in. By the time I pick up my head to see it wasn't Haymitch, there's a needle in my neck, and the world starts to slowly ebb away as voices echo in the background.

This time I wake up with a yellow light blinding me, although it was softer than the one in wherever I was before. I take a deep breath, and look around the room I'm in. It smells like bleach, smells clean, like someone came and sterilized it before I was brought in. I couldn't make out any doors or windows, but there had to be one because how did I get in?

The only problem is, I still don't have clothes on, not even the hospital gown. The only saving grace is the sheets of the bed feel soothing against my skin.

I press myself up to look around, I look down and see that my nails are not only scraped clean of any dirt, but are also perfectly shaped, molded, and filed into a perfect almond shape. My hair is free of knots, and any matted patches. The cuts that I obtained in the arena are completely gone. I try to peer over my shoulder to see if the one on my back is there, but I can't do it.

The door creaks open, and an Avox girl comes walking into the room, she carries a tray of food for me. She walks over and sets the tray across my lap. It is a small bowl of clear broth, some applesauce, and a big glass of water. Are they still trying to starve me? I ate crackers and water for I don't even know how many days! I want real food.

"Thank you," I say, and she nods. She presses a button that lifts the bed so I can sit back as I eat. "Do you have any clothes?" She just gives me a half smile and shakes her head no, then walks out. I look back down at my broth and start sipping it, sure, it was practically nothing, but it tasted like heaven.

I finish and set the tray aside carefully. I sit up and wait, waiting for someone else to walk through the door. Wait for someone to bring me more food. Wait for someone to bring me clothes. Wait for someone to talk to. Unfortunately for me, that person never comes.

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