1. Light

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Beep beep beep

Y/n woke up with an alarm going off on her bedside table. Her fist slammed against the alarm clock, making it fall on the floor.
She groaned and got up, rubbing her messy hairs, that seemed like it couldn't be entangled anymore. Getting ready for school, she got out of her house and locked the door.

"Ten more murder cases have been reported yesterday. All of them were from a heartattack, confirming that again kira's deeds..."

"I hate kira. Why can't I have powers like him?!" She threw tantrums like a kid on the middle of the footpath.
Y/n always envied kira because that's how SHE fantasized to become. Yeah, that's weird. Maybe because she always liked the villains in the stories.

She was walking deep in thoughts, sometimes mumbling here and there. That's when she bumped into someone and fell backwards.

"I'm so sorry. Mind if I help you get up?"

Her gaze travelled upwards to see a handsome boy, with brown hairs, and brown eyes, in a school uniform.
Oh, she knew him.

Light yagami.

She internally rolled her eyes and stood up herself, as her took his hand back.

'MiNd iF I hElp yOu?'

I can help myself.

You are not any help being my biggest academic rival, yagami.

She forced a smile on her lips, as she replied, "I'm the one who should be sorry here."

"It's not a problem..." light passed a smile, as his gaze pierced deep down her soul. She looked ahead on the road, trying to avoid his gaze, so she wouldn't blush like a maniac.

Handsome mother fucker.

To her surprise, he started walking with her to the school. She didn't complain, though.

"I'm light yagami. What about you? Looking at your uniform, you're from the same school as I am." He asked slipping his hand inside the pocket, as the other held on the strap of the school bag, that hanged on one of his shoulders.

"My name is Y/n L/n." She trailed off shortly, focusing on the path ahead.

The faint sounds of police sirens, and the news being broadcasted could still be heard, as their shoes clicked against the concrete tiles on the side walk.


A girly shrill voice echoed, as both of them turned their heads around to see a blonde girl running towards them.
As she reached near them, she almost jumped on the brown haired boy, embracing him tightly.

Sadist  -   A Light Yagami FanficWhere stories live. Discover now