Alan felt a little scared.

"Yahh mate, why did you leave that early, huh?" North asked, getting up from the floor and walking up to the lanky boy, "You know we went to that aunt's restaurant! The chicken skewers were so-"

"Shiaaa North!" Sonic whispered, hitting his butt from the back, "Why the fuck are you telling him that? That's literally his favorite dish! Can't you see he's in a bad shape?"

"Ou Ou yeah!" North scratched his head in slight embarrassment.

"Hey hey I'm fine," Way replied, his voice a little cracked, "Anyways, I've heard what Tony did. I can't believe we've lost our best mechanics. But we can't sit idly, can we? Wh-Why not I help too? Ei North, gimme those tools," Way walked forward, grabbing some instruments, "I-I can-"


The deep voice of Alan shook the boy a bit. Yet he tried to keep it covered and quickly turned to him, faking a smile.

"Yes, Alan?"

"Come with me," he demanded, "We need to talk."


"Nothing! Come with me," Alan got off the couch, and walked towards the store room, signing Way to follow, "North, Sonic," he turned towards them, "Keep up with the work. When Babe comes, ask him to lend y'all a hand. Way, come with me."

As soon as they entered the partly dark room, Alan slowly shut the door and faced the tall boy. He looked at him, guilt and worry filling his gaze. He felt a sharp pang of pain within his chest as he saw how Way wasn't even able to stand straight on his legs and had to lean against the wall for support. Alan knew, something was going on with this boy, and he was determined to find out.

"Way," he spoke softly, his eyes never leaving the boy, "You know we've been here together for ten years and you're like my little brother. So now, I'm going to asking this once and I want to hear the truth. Only the truth, Way. Is everything ok?"

Way quickly put up a smile and replied, "You worry too much, Alan! Definitely it's fine. And-And what do you mean? Unless it's about our garage-"

"It's about you Way," Alan said, "I can see it very well that you're not okay. What's going on?"

"What-What do you m-mean Alan?" Way stammered slightly, "E-Everything is fine with me...y-you really worry too much..."

"Care to explain those bruises all around your face and your limp?" Alan raised a brow, looking intently for any signs of discomfort or stutter in the lad.

"Oh-Oh them...I-I fell down y-yesterday....hehe....ran into a g-grandma and....f-fell on m-my butt-"

"Than what about your face, huh? Where did those injuries come from?"

"I-It were some hooligans at my p-place," Way stuttered again, clearly trying to make a haste of it, "J-Just a petty fight. Ugh! You're really an Uncle! Only overthinking! Your house is at risk of being blown up and you-"

"You are much much more important to me that 'my house' Way," declared the older loudly, "And I can see it very clearly that you are going through something but you aren't revealing it! Since yesterday, you are behaving so odd and yet you're saying 'everything is fine'. It's so fucking evident that you're lying, Way! You're lying right on my face and-"

"Alan," Way said, looking determined, "I'm really fine. It's just too much of booze and a little stress that's all. I'm absolutely fine. Don't worry about me. You've the garage at a big risk. Please think of a solution to it. If I ever encounter a problem, I'll immediately inform you, okay?"

THE FORGOTTEN CHARACTEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant