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She could put angels to shame. Flawless, is the only word. I opened my eyes to the most beautiful sight. Diya was by my side, sleeping soundly. My left hand was numb, I think she slept on my bicep for the whole night. Whole night! I looked at my wrist watch it was just 7 in the morning. We barely slept, last I saw the time it was 3:56 almost 4 when Diya closed her eyes because of the exhaustion.

Things didn't go as planned. Me and Aarohi finally had our chance of love, of being together. I wasn't supposed to look in those eyes like I have been searching for them in a crowded street like a lost child, I wasn't supposed to ask her to meet me for a coffee, I wasn't supposed to sniff those hair, I wasn't supposed to miss that perfume..... I wasn't even supposed to know what she smells like..... I wasn't supposed to ask for a date and I wasn't supposed to wait for her to come for three weeks..... I wasn't supposed to stay..... What happened last night was also not supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to like the closeness and She wasn't supposed to look like she did but, then, she looked exactly like she did and......


We had sex before..... It was our first wedding anniversary, apparently it was the same day I got to know that Aarohi was alive.... There was a small celebration... Everyone was happy, but me.... My heart was breaking and I got a little drunk. Later that night, Diya asked me if I was upset.... She consoled me when I told her that the woman I loved, who I was told died was alive. And she was still somewhere but I wasn't able to locate her. I got a little vulnerable and things happened!!!!

I felt guilty at first, it felt like I cheated on Aarohi.... But then it happened again and I wasn't drunk this time to blame it on alcohol..... It was more like releasing a pent up sexual frustration than love making. It was more like a chore. Diya never complained though I know that she knows it wasn't anything. I was holding back, she was holding back and we were just doing what our body needs. All this while I never stopped looking for Aarohi.

But what happened last night wasn't a chore... It happened because I wanted Diya..... I was having a hard time resisting her and I wasn't really thinking about Aarohi since I came Indore. Diya was all I had on my mind.... Her eyes , her lips, her long slender neck with that gold mangalsutra (Diya never took it off), her full round breasts and her scent....

I was busy admiring the beauty laying next to me.... When she sighed softly and turned, and the blanket covering her bosom moved exposing the left side, there was purple mark, And like a hormonal, sex deprived man I had a hard on.
I wanted to touch it, suck it and make her cum like she did last night, just by the nipple play.

The sight of her, the way she took control and knew exactly what she wanted... even when she was so damned drunk.... She was so, so confident..... I have never seen something like that, ever before....This woman has spoiled me, for every other woman.... I will never have the same feeling ever again in life...
She will want to kill me after she wakes up... She will curse me and call me names but I would not change it for anything......

My vulgar thoughts were put on hold when my vibrated. It was a text from Aarohi.
'how is the deal coming up?'
Lying was a difficult thing, you have to remember every little detail about it. I have lied to my family, to Aarohi!
They didn't know I was in Indore. According to them I was signing a deal with our new partners to enter in the diamond and gems market.
There was no such deal. We were never entering that buisness, as it was totally a new area.

'I don't think it's going to happen.... Dad might be intrested in this business but not me!' I replied. I wasn't really sure why was I lying. But I didn't wanted to risk anything between me and Aarohi.

Then the question is why was I here? Why I told Diya and her family that divorce wasn't happening? Truth to be told I have no fucking idea!! I just couldn't take the fact that Diya send me the divorce papers. I always thought I would be the first one to ask for it... But when Diya sent them first I was.... Not sure exactly what I felt.... It pained me to see how easily she sent it and was expecting me to agree to it!!!
Diya wasn't asking for alimony, it was as if she didn't wanted a single thing that could connect us and that hurted me.

'I have to go! I will be back soon!'

I keep the the phone down and look at her sleeping soundly. I'll be back wife!!
And no, the divorce isn't happening!


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