Obliviscatur Cristallum?

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Optimus and Ratchet sprinted around the corner and nearly collided with Ironhide. "What happened?" Optimus said looking at the unconscious girls in Ironhide's arms. "Don't ask me. Ask Miko." Ironhide said. Miko rubbed the back of her head as the three men looked at her. "Well...we kinda went into that locked room..." Miko said glancing over at the door. "WHAT!" Ratchet shouted. "Well discuss this later, Morgan and Kindle's health is more important right now." Optimus said taking Morgan into his arms. "You're right, Optimus. I'll meet you and Ironhide in med bay." Ratchet said. "What about me?" Miko asked. "You stay here." Ratchet said before his holoform fizzed out. Miko groaned. She watched as Ironhide and Optimus hurried down the hall. "What happened?" Optimus asked. "I had finally caught Miko and saw these two. I asked them what was wrong and soon after they ended up like this." Ironhide said. Optimus hummed and looked down at Morgan. "Finally!" Ironhide said opening up the smaller doors the the med bay. He stepped through and Optimus followed. Ratchet's ambulance was waiting inside. After the door closed the headlights came on before Ratchet transformed. "Gauh its feels good to stretch!" Ratchet said moving his body around. The medic knelt down and opened his servo. "Give 'em here." Ratchet said. The holoforms gently placed the two unconscious girls into his huge servo. Ratchet stood up and moved over to a nearby berth. He sent out his holoform and placed them on the berth one by one. "Let's take a look." Ratchet said activating his scanner. He moved it over Kindle's small body. The medic's optics widened in shock. "By the Allspark..." He whispered. "What is it, Ratchet?" Optimus' holoform called from the floor. "There are several traces of Obliviscatur Cristallum" Ratchet paused as he scanned Morgan "there are traces in Morgan as well."
"What is Obliviscatur Cristallum?" Ironhide asked. "It is a crystal found on Cybertron, it has the effect of amnesia." Ratchet said. "Why do they have a Cybertronian chemical in their systems and who gave it to them?" Ironhide said. "It must be a Decepticon since Cybertron can't support human life." Optimus said. "Well whoever did this may come after them to apply another dose. The effects are beginning to ware off." Ratchet said putting his scanner away. "What have they been forced to forget." Optimus said. "Maybe years worth off memories are returning. That's probably why they passed out." Ratchet said.
"ALRIGHT YOU RUST BUCKETS HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" Galloway shouted as he stormed into med bay. "What is it, Galloway." Optimus said unfazed by the loud shouting. "There is no record of these two. Have you and your team started smuggling illegal immigrants into this country." Galloway demanded. "What do you mean no record." Ratchet said kneeling down. "There is no record of those two being born or living in the United States. No birth certificate, no school entries, no family record. Heck, I can't find any human in this country that has similar DNA to them. So who are they!?" Galloway said. Ratchet looked over his shoulder at the two. "Only they can answer that question now." The medic said.

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