Way................... Hmm what about beach ?? We didn't go there for any data ....

Pete................... Okay ....

Way.................... But can we go after noon actually i have to go to garage tomorrow .....

Pete.................... Way tomorrow is Sunday .....

Way..................... I know but it's just a small work to do ...... Please don't get angry ..... Please ....

Pete....................... Okay ....

Way........................ Thank you ( kiss on lips )

Pete........................ ( Kiss back but little hungry one ) Now i want more ....

Way......................... What ??? No ... NO I'm alright swelling ..... No Pete .. ah ah hahaha ....

And Pete have his ways well how can way resist for long when Pete very well know how to make way needy ....

On the other ...... In winner house .....

Winner........ Do you have to go to garage tomorrow ???  ( While hugging more tightly )

Dean........ NO .... Why ??

Winner......... Than what about to go to a data ??

Dean.......... Okay .... But where??

Winner......... Where you want to go ??

Dean......... What about shopping ??

Winner......... Okay baby as you say ....

Kiss for last time and both went to dreamland ..........

Next morning way come to garage to complete his work on his car .... He was doing his work when he feel someone's present there ......

Way...................... Why i feel someone come ?? Leave it maybe it's air ......

But than again he feel so worried like he's been watch by someone so he complete his work faster ........

Way..................... Good it done ...

Way was about to go when suddenly some mans in black .........

1 man..... Are you way ??

Way...................... Why you asking about him ??

3 man..... We have our work just tell us are you .......

Way....................... No ..... I'm not but he went over there .... Let me call him ....
( A smart one )

2 man..... No we will go .....

Way........................ Wait you can't go there ... That area is for racers .....

2 man..... Stay away ....

He push way aside and went there leaving way there and getting the chance way run from there and get in car he just start the car when he saw that all that mans are coming to his side he run his car in full speed but that mans start following him behind .

2 man..... Happy to ask him if he's way or not ..... If boss come to know this than we are dead .......

1 man..... Than boss should have sent his picture so we don't have to do this.

3 man..... Right ....

With way ... While driving way try to call Pete .......

Way...................... Come on pick it up Pete .....  Pete please ....

And soon Pete pick it up ........

Way...................... Pete ... Pete I don't know who they are but they are behind me ... I'm scared .....

Pete...................... Way what you talking about ?? Who is behind you ??

Way...................... Don't know but they are still behind me AHHH ......

Pete..................... WAY ....

Way lose his balance and phone fall down .....

With Pete ..... Pete get worried for way he get in car when he feel something is wrong with way ... He order nop to get to know where way is now ....

With way ...... Way try his best to get the phone back while driving and he was close to get it but the other car hit his car on which way get injured because his head hit by the car window and he also get hit on his stomach little more hard and his car get hit on the near tree ...... Seeing way's car get stop the other car stop too ........

3 man..... Boss ask us to bring him alive now what ??

2 man..... By this small injuries he's not going to die ..... Take him out ....

1 man..... Okay .....

* Guys thank you so much for your support ...........

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