Year 1: 9/23

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Two girls sat under the old oak in the glen. One whose hair was golden like daylight, her smile reminiscent of sunshine, and her laugh, like a babbling brook. The other whose hair was dark as night, her eyes deep as the ocean, and her face like a painting old as time itself. They sat silently, enjoying the breeze ruffling through their curls.

Leaves had started to fall and many of the flowers in their garden had begun to wither and die. Their pumpkin plants had begun to bear fruit and the air had a distinct smell to it, crisp, like burning wood and rotting leaves. Autumn was their absolute favorite time of year, despite it marking the beginning of the slow season. Things would get tight in a few short months and soon they'd be living off of canned food from the Summer, bread, and what little meat they could afford with their savings from the village.

"Do you think it's too cold to take a dip in the creek?" The golden-haired girl asked.

"Perhaps. Are you scared?" The brunette grinned.

"Of the water? A little. Of the cold I'll get from it? Quite a bit. I hate having a runny nose."

"It wouldn't last. I've got a remedy that could have you right as rain within a day."

"I don't doubt your abilities, Kat. However, if we were to sneak off, I imagine our poor aunts would be concerned. We're not supposed to leave the glen without their permission."

"That's never stopped us before."

"No, I suppose it hasn't."

"I'll race you?"

"The last one to jump in has to cook dinner for a week!"

The two girls grinned at each other and then broke into a run, the plush grass tickling their bare feet below them.

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