The Southern Air Temple Pt. 2

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Fire Nation ships were docked alongside a bay, the port bustling with fire nation citizens and soldiers combined as they talked amongst themselves in the market. A fire nation soldier quickly hurried to a building and went inside what appeared to be a war room. In front of the war room stood an older man in his thirties with his arms crossed behind his back, his hair in a high bun as he stood in front of a map showing the nations.

The fire nation soldier quickly stood off to the side taking his rightful place where he should've been, hoping that no one would notice. Hoping his commanding officer, Commander Zhao was too busy with the banished prince to say something.

“And by year's end, the Earth Kingdom Capital will be under our rule. The Firelord will finally claim victory in this war.”

Sitting at the table with his back facing the man in his thirties, sat Prince Zuko. He stared down at the parchment paper reading over the man's plan to take over the Earth Kingdom Capital, while his uncle Iroh was examining some new spears.

“If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly then he is a fool.” Prince Zuko stated as he closed the parchment paper having enough of this plan.

Commander Zhao  quickly sat beside the banished prince and watched him with a smirk on his face. While in the corner of both of their eyes they kept a close eye on Iroh, he was now holding one of the newer models of the spear and was walking around with it.

“Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue.” Commander Zhao said as he leaned against the table his smirk growing wider as he continued sarcastically. “So how's your search for the Avatar?”

Iroh heard this and whipped around causing the spear he was holding sideways to knock into the other spears causing them all to crash to the ground rather loudly. Prince Zuko closed his eyes and let out a tired sigh, while Commander Zhao  turned and raised a brow at Iroh's mistake.

“Uh, my fault entirely.” Iroh apologized with a sheepish smile as he quickly backed away towards the fire nation's soldiers.

Prince Zuko took this moment to answer the older man's question.

“We haven't found him yet.”

The man let out a scoff at this as he sat up straighter as he said.

“Did you really expect to? The Avatar died a hundred years ago along with the rest of the airbenders.”

Prince Zuko glared at the man for a moment before looking down at the table, he did not want this man knowing the truth of the Avatar's reappearance. Prince Zuko needed to capture him and restore his honor and his rightful spot as the next heir to the Fire Nation. Commander Zhao, seeing this, smiled widely, as he said.

“Unless you find some evidence that the Avatar is alive.”

“No.” Prince Zuko stated sternly as he narrowed his eyes at the man before him as he added on looking away from him once more. “Nothing.”

“Prince Zuko, the Avatar, is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war. If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you found.” Commander Zhao stated as he stood up and bent down to become closer to the banished prince with a stern expression on his face.

Prince Zuko did not look at him for a moment trying to collect himself from screaming at this man in front of him. He could hardly believe that this man was questioning his loyalty to his father and his nation when he was trying so hard to find the Avatar in the first place.

“No, I haven't found anything. It's like you said the Avatar probably died a long time ago.”

The two stared at each other in silence for a few moments trying to feel each other out, after another minute passed Prince Zuko stood up from his seat and walked past the man as he ordered his uncle gently.

Avatar The Last Airbender: Aang FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora