Penguins And Ships

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Penguins were everywhere on this stretch of ice, Mara walked up to them looking around for the Airbender that wandered away from the village. She smiled when she saw a few of the waddling away from her, she looked around once more before calling out the boy's name.


She heard laughter and smiled even wider, she watched Aang chase after some penguins making grabby motions at them as he said with a huge smile on his face

"Hey come on little guy, wanna go sledding?"

Aang then face-planted in the snow and frowned, he watched the penguin he was chasing running away from him. Mara giggled as she walked over to him. Aang looked up at her before air-bending himself off the ground as he said boastfully.

"I have a way with animals."

He turned to a penguin and began imitating its call, his arms spread out wide as he began waddling towards it. Mara giggled even louder this time, she watched the boy do so with laughter coming out of her mouth.

"Aang, I'll help you catch a penguin if you tell me all about air-bending."

Mara watched in amusement as a penguin dragged Aang through the snow by its tail. Aang let go of the penguin's tail and looked up at the girl with a smile as he agreed.

"You got a deal." He pushed himself off the ground as he said. "Why do you wanna know about air-bending? Wouldn't you want to learn about water bending? I'm sure Katara will teach you about it."

"I would love to learn more about my culture's water bending but Katara doesn't have a teacher to teach her things," Mara explained to the boy as she stood a little bit closer to the boy.

"Well let's find her a master then!" Aang exclaimed, ready to help the girl with anything she asked.

"You can't, Katara's the only water bender in the south pole," Mara said with a sad smile as she looked down at the ground.

She only had one or two memories of her mother before she was captured by the Fire Nation.

"Well that isn't right, a water bender needs to master water," Aang said with a frown on his face.

Aang thought for a moment, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he asked her.

"What about the North Pole? There's another water tribe there, right? Maybe they have water benders that could teach you and Katara."

Mara nodded her head in agreement but smiled sadly at the boy as she told him.

"Maybe but we haven't had contact with our sister tribe in a long time, it's not exactly turning right at the second glacier. It's on the other side of the world."

Aang smiled at her and grabbed her hand as he said

"But you forget I have a flying bison. Appa and I can personally fly you to the north pole. We're gonna find you and your sister a master."

Mara smiled widely as she squeezed Aang's hand in excitement. Thinking about finally watching Katara being able to master water bending and maybe learning more about it herself. But then she frowned, she wasn't even sure if her sister wanted to leave the village.

Mara wasn't even sure if she could leave everyone behind in the village. Mara always wanted to travel but to leave behind her family wasn't something she had ever done before.

"That's amazing Aang." She said with a small smile to the boy before voicing her thoughts. "But I don't know if Katara would want to leave home. I mean I've always wanted to explore the world but I haven't even left home before."

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