The Southern Air Temple

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Mara sat in Appa's saddle rolling her sleeping bag up, Aang re-tied Appa's reins. Katara was tending to the fire while Sokka slept snoring away very loudly, Aang would occasionally look over at Mara and smile before looking back to what he was doing.

"Wait till you see it, Mara," Aang said as he rushed over to the right to fix the other rein as he leaned backward to make sure the rope was strong enough. "The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world."

Mara frowned, knowing that it might not be as beautiful as he described it after 100 years. She turned to look at him as she said thoughtfully.

"Aang I know you're excited, but it's been 100 years since you've been home."

Mara turned around in the saddle so she could watch the excited boy, Aang looked over at her with a wide smile as he told her.

"That's why I'm so excited."

"It's just that a lot can change in all that time," Mara explained as she sadly smiled at the boy.

"I know I just need to see it for myself," Aang said.

Aang turned away from her and jumped off of Appa before gliding down to where they made camp. Katara smiled at the boy before moving towards her stuff and packing it up, Aang returned the smile and walked over to Sokka. When Katara saw that the young boy was heading for Sokka she couldn't help but let out a chuckle as she told the younger boy.

"Be careful he's very moody when he's tired."

"It can't be as bad as waking up the lemurs at the Air Temple," Aang said as he waved a dismissive hand at the girl.

Aang put his hands on his hips as he smiled down at Sokka as he said.

"Wake up Sokka, Air Temple here we come."

Sokka groaned and glared at Aang before turning on his side as he muttered out.

"Sleep now, Temple later."

The girls giggled at this, knowing full well that their brother wouldn't get out of bed if they were under attack. He was hungry or he had an animal in his sleeping bag, Aang frowned and then narrowed his eyes at the sleeping boy. Trying to think of an idea to get the older boy out of bed.

Aang then got an idea. When Monk Gaysto took him on trips along the mountains, Aang always refused to get out of his sleeping bag. Monk Gaysto always used a stick and said that there was a prickled snake in his sleeping bag that always made him get up more than enough times.

Grinning evilly, Aang picked up a stick and began running it up and down Sokka's leg.

"Sokka wake up!" Aang exclaimed, acting scared, as he moved the stick along Sokka's chest. "There's a prickled snake in your sleeping bag!"

Sokka felt something moving on him when he heard Aang say this. It took him a minute to understand what Aang said before screaming and sitting up. Still, with his sleeping bag on, he hopped up to his feet and began bouncing around yelling.

"Get it off! Get it off!"

Sokka then tripped over a rock and landed with a loud thump of his stomach, causing both Katara and Mara to laugh loudly at their brother's misfortune. Aang looked over at the girls and gave them a wide smile, before walking over to where Sokka fell as he peered down at him as said.

"Great, you're awake, let's go."

Sokka groaned loudly as he glared up at the Airbender as he shouted to his little sister.

"Mara, keep your boyfriend under control!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Mara called out as she helped Katara on Appa before smirking down at Sokka. "Maybe you should've gotten up the first time, big brother."

Avatar The Last Airbender: Aang FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora