chapter 47

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Xia Xun slept for a whole day, and when he woke up, it was already the morning of the next day.

Qi Yan was sitting at the table, reading something by daylight.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but it seemed to Xia Xun that Qi Yan’s forehead was slightly red.

He stretched out and sat up, muttering with the drowsiness that had not yet dissipated: “I’ve been sleeping for a long time, I’m hungry.”

Qi Yan heard him speak and turned his head to look at him.

“Hungry? Just in time, I bought acacia leaf cold cakes, come and eat.”

When Xia Xun heard that, he no longer felt sleepy, pushed away the quilt, walked to the table, picked up one cake and ate it.

Qi Yan patted the chair beside him, inviting him to sit down.

“Your hair is messed up, come here, let me comb it for you.”

Xia Xun sat and ate the pastry while Qi Yan combed his hair.

He was in a good mood today: although he was about to meet those family members who were angry with him, he was still happy in his heart.

His hand was mostly healed, hardly hurting anymore, and he woke up this morning to eating his favourite snack and his favourite person combing his hair.

There could be no happier day than this, Xia Xun thought.

Qi Yan’s hands were neither light, nor heavy; he patiently combed Xia Xun and in a short time, Xia Xun’s messy hair became soft and smooth.

Qi Yan didn’t have an extra guan for hair and used a cloth hairband to fix Xia Xun’s hair on top of his head.

“There you go,” he said softly.

Xia Xun turned around and smiled at him.

“You’re so much better than Shaobo! She makes it hurt every time!”

Qi Yan smiled watching him; his smile was faint, as if fleeting.

Xia Xun thought he was worried for him and comforted him, saying: “Don’t worry, it’s not like they’ll really eat me! We’ll be separated just for a while, I’ll come back to you tonight!”

Qi Yan placed the comb into his hand.

“Take this and use it later.”

Xia Xun said, “No! I have plenty of combs at home!”

Qi Yan insisted: “Take it.”

Xia Xun reluctantly said: “Fine, fine! I’ll do as you say!”

He put the comb in his sleeve and turned to look at the sun. It was time for him to go back.

This time Xia Xun couldn’t go over the wall, he had to walk in through the front door.

Qi Yan accompanied him until he was only a few feet away from the gate of Xia Mansion.

Qi Hui quietly tugged on his sleeve, signalling him not to come any closer.

There was still white silk hanging on the gate and paper money was sprinkled on the ground in front of the gate.

Xia Xun bade farewell to Qi Yan: “I’ll go then!”

Qi Yan whispered, “En.”

Xia Xun took a few steps forward, and Qi Yan called him from behind: “Xia Xun!”

He immediately turned back.

There were so many thoughts in Qi Yan’s mind, he had so many things to say, but in the end, he only said:

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