chapter 17

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It was a kiss tasting of rust.

As soon as Qi Yan’s lips pressed to his, Xia Xun bit him severely. He used a lot of force, but Qi Yan kept kissing him, as if unaware of the pain.

Xia Xun twisted his head, but there was the table behind him and nowhere to hide.

Qi Yan’s warm breath was intertwined with his. He held so hard that Xia Xun’s arms must have been bruised.

But Qi Yan’s kiss was as gentle as it used to be in the past and the fragrance on his body was still familiar to Xia Xun.

The special smell of this expensive spice lingered in his memory for many years. Whenever Xia Xun recalled Qi Yan, the first thing he remembered was this smell.

It appeared in Xia Xun’s every happy or painful dream, and these dreams were all related to Qi Yan.

Even though Xia Xun refused to admit it, he knew in his heart that after he had met Qi Yan, all his sorrows and joys were connected to him.

Xia Xun hated the reality he had to recognize, and he also hated himself who was so deeply immersed in it.

This man had never liked him, not for a week, not even for a day.

He struggled desperately, pushed off all the things on the table, hearing them fall to the ground one after another with shattering noise.

There was no movement outside the house, not even the sound of footsteps.

After the kiss, Qi Yan retreated slightly, and Xia Xun gasped violently, staring at him furiously.

Out of breath, without any care of his image, he cursed desperately:

“Let go! You can do whatever you want with whoever you want! Don’t come to me! Let me go!!! ”

Qi Yan didn’t seem to hear; raising his hand, he removed the hairpin from Xia Xun’s head.

He asked, “He Cong gave you this hairpin? Did he comb your hair for you too?”

His eyes were crazy, burning with the prairie fire of jealousy.

When he thought about Xia Xun liking someone else, his heart felt so sour that you could have wrung juice out of it, and his tongue was soaked in bitterness.

He barely heard what Xia Xun was saying.

The only thing he wanted was Xia Xun to see him alone, look at him alone, with no one else being there.

Xia Xun’s hair was completely loose, spreading on the table.

Qi Yan kissed him again.

In a daze, Xia Xun groped randomly on the table and, in a panic, he actually grasped something.

—A tea cone.

Before Xia Xun used the potion to drug Zhi Gui, he asked her to make tea for him. Zhi Gui took the tea set and put it on the table, including the tea cone used to cut the tea.

After Xia Xun disappeared, the mansion was in a mess and no one came to collect the tea set, so it was still placed there.

Most of the things on the table were pushed to the ground by Xia Xun, but this tea cone was still left.

The tea cone was similar in shape to a small knife, also having a blade used to separate the tea leaves from the tea block, even though it was relatively blunt.

Xia Xun didn’t care; he held the tea cone in his hand, swiping it at Qi Yan violently.

A blood mark appeared on Qi Yan’s face in an instant.

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