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Emilia was hopeful she was constantly checking her phone waiting for Benito's reply. But , there was still nothing. It's been two days already. Maybe he didn't want to talk to her or maybe he's not even logged in to his account.  All these thoughts were circling in her head. 

" You're waiting for that answer back aren't you ?" Nicole asked as she noticed her best friend was pensive and staring at her phone.

" In which he probably won't , probably wants nothing to do with me." Emilia sighed frustrated.

She was such an idiot she thought. Breaking up with Benito was one of the biggest mistakes ever. 

" Why don't you call him ?" Nicole suggested.

" estas loca ?!" Emilia exclaimed.

" I mean it's more personal and he's likely to answer that way." The girl shrugged

" fine I'll call him , that's if he still has the same number." Emilia said going into her contacts.

She clicked on Benito's name , something she hadn't done in years. She put the call on speaker so Nicole could hear. The line rang and rang.

" It's probably not even his number." Emilia said when suddenly it went to voicemail.

"Que ? cabrón estoy en el estudio." Benito states followed by a laugh.

The girl quickly hung up as she did my want to leave a voicemail.

" Never mind , it's still his number.  Let me try again." She said as she redialed.

This time it went straight to voice mail.

" He just declined your call." Nicole said as Emilia gasped in disbelief , she tried again and again.

Both times it went straight to voicemail not a single ring , in which he indeed was declining her call.  Emilia started to get a feeling that maybe she shouldn't have done this.

She just wanted to hear his voice at this point.

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Benito was currently in his LA mansion waiting for his girlfriend as he sat on the couch in the main living room. She was currently preparing some popcorn as they decided to have a movie night. As he scrolled through some options his phone began to vibrate signaling a call. He pulled it out from underneath it and couldn't believe the caller ID. Why was Emilia calling him ?

When they had broken up he changed her contact name to "do not pick up" that way he would know who it was. He simply decided to ignore it.  Suddenly his girlfriend walked in to the living room with a bowl full of  popcorn. Benito placed his phone down and smiled at the sight of her. She took her seat next to him as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Ready ?" He asked her as she nodded.

As the movie was starting his phone began to go off once again.

" lo siento bebe , I have to take this." Benito said as she nodded.

Benito made his way to the guest bathroom and locked the door. This time he declined the call. After declining, it rang twice and both times he declined.  First Instagram and now this , Benito was confused but , he wasn't answering a thing. He deleted the calls just in case and hoped that she wouldn't call again. Maybe , she's drunk he thought to himself or going through a rough time.

" who was it?" Becky asked her boyfriend.

" It was Raul." Benito lied and chuckled.

Becky did not know about Emilia but , that was something she didn't have to worry about or know about. Benito was now with her and he loved her. That was all that mattered ...

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The next day Raul went with Benito to the studio. The two were currently alone so it was safe to talk about what had happened last night.

" Anoche." Benito spoke with a pause. " me llamo Emilia." He continued.

" y que ?" Raúl asked.

" estaba con Becky en casa." The singer furthered explained.

" what is going on ?" Raul asked puzzled as Benito shrugged.

He had the same question himself.

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