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Emilia was a girl who was born in Argentina. But , when she turned about seven they moved to the island of Puerto Rico due to her fathers job. The girl was stubborn she did not want to move. She loved Argentina , the thought of being on another island scared her. In school she had so many friends , it wasn't easy for her, especially because she was very mature for her age. But , she wasn't the adult in this situation.

They moved early August before school could start for Emilia at the end of the month. The first day of school came by quickly. The girl was nervous but all of the other kids made her feel welcome especially a girl named Nicole. Nicole introduced herself to the girl , Emilia instantly noticed that the girl had a similar accent. 

" eres de Argentina?" She asked Nicole.

" si, mis papas y yo nos mudamos al principio del año." Nicole replied.

That made Emilia feel a whole lot better to know she wasn't the only one not from the island.  But , it was only the start to a beautiful friendship. 

Emilia and Nicole became the best of friends. They did everything together. Since they wanted to see each other all the time , their parents became close friends as well. They watched their girls grow up together.  Before they knew it , they were graduating from eighth grade together. They were officially teenagers and moving on to high school , which many consider to be the best years of their lives.

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The girls were excited for high school. But , little did they know it would be a roller coaster. They would be experiencing maturity , stress, boy problems, love, and more. As for Emilia that is where she met her love , in high school.

It was the first day of class sophomore year. Nicole and Emilia had already survived their first year. They were lucky enough to have the same schedule. But , this year they didn't; all they had was lunch together. Anyways Emilia walked in with her printed schedule the first day of class , it was her first period and it was math. Emilia didn't like sitting in the back nor being in the front so she sat somewhere in the middle. The class started to fill up with other Sophomores. In walked in a boy who had glasses , he was super cute Emilia thought. She was already going against her father's rule , " focus on school boys later." But , this boy was a now thing not a later one. Emilia quickly texted Nicole before the bell could ring. Nicole was wishing she was there with Emilia.

The boy sat about two seats down away from Emilia. He seemed shy but , at the same time seemed like he had a ton of friends. Whereas Emilia wasn't that type , she wasn't the type to fit in. To Emilia's surprise the boy as well had the same lunch period as her.That's where she showed him to Nicole. They as well had last period together which was music class. Emilia really loved to sing and dance, it was a passion. The boy as well loved music , he spent most of his time listening to music. The boy walked into the class and sat down next to Emilia.

" Estas en mi clase de Mathematica verdad?" He asked his Puerto Rican accent noticeable.

Emilia instantly grew nervous and shy. The boy had as well noticed her.

" Si." She replied not looking at him.

" Soy Benito." He then introduced himself with a soft smile.

" Soy Emilia." She said gaining some courage and looking up at him.

From then on the two sat next to each other in math class , at lunch , and during music class. Emilia introduced him to Nicole. Benito introduced his best friend Raul to them. They became a little group but, most importantly Benito and Emilia became close friends.

The four of them would rotate , one day they would be at Emilia's , the next at Benito's and so on. Their parents were all fond of their friendship.  Of course there were times where Raul and Nicole couldn't make it and that wasn't going to stop the other two from hanging out so they would hang out alone. That was when their bond grew.

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