Chapter 11 - The Plan

Start from the beginning

"I will stay by the West Point of the island where they will most likely be coming onto the island. Meng and Mi get the east point, Filo and Banai south point, and you 3 the north point." Leyu said.

Everyone agreed. Omni hesitated but then nodded her head.

"That's all. Except for you Omni I will be training you today." Leyu grabbed Omnis shoulder.

"We'll stay to watch." Naomi said. Ganal nodded his head in agreement.

"Good idea." Leyu said.

"Us too." Banai and Filo sat down.

"Sorry but we have to go help our mom with the shop. We'll see you tomorrow." Mi said.

Meng and Mi walked away.

Leyu and Omni got into fighting stances. Omni was unstable and shaking. Leyu looked unmovable.

Omni ran at Leyu. She airbended at her. Leyu easily dodged it and somehow knocked Omni over by bending the air behind her.

"You did good. But I am a Master airbender after all." Leyu said boastfully.

"Oh really? Where are your arrows then?" Omni joked.

Leyu's smile faded and she airbended Omni into a bush.

"Ow! What was that for?" Omni yelled.

"Nothing. I just think that's enough training for today." Leyu forced a smile on her face.

"Okay.. catch you later." Omni, Naomi and Ganal walked away.

"Me and Meng are gonna go. We'll make sure to see you before the mission." Mi said.

"Bye." Meng waved.

"I need to go home so it looks like I got home from school. I'll come for the mission." Banai walked away.


Leyu sat in a tree and looked at the moon through the branches.

She sighed.

"So is this about Fayla?"

Leyu turned around to see Filo leaning against the main part of the tree.

"No, that was 12 years ago. It's about what Omni said." Leyu rested her chin on her hand.

"Oh yeah.. don't blame Omni, she didn't know." Filo said.

"But it just makes me frustrated. They always say something along the lines of I don't have an airbender soul or something and that I can't get my arrows yet. I'm watching people that are younger getting their arrows."

"They probably just have a grudge because Yei Lu trained you. And she's you know, banished." Filo stated.

"It's also frustrating because I could probably beat their butts." Leyu sighed.

"You probably could." Filo chuckled.

Leyu's eyes widened and she looked at Filo.

"Did I say something wrong?" Filo's eyes widened.

"No! It's just people don't get to see your soft side often." Leyu giggled.

"I guess you're just different." Filo smiled.

Leyu smiled and hugged him.


Omni yawned. She realized what day it was.

"NAOMI WAKE UP THE MISSION IS TODAY!!!!" Omni tackled her.

"Omni, it's like midnight please just go to sleep." Naomi groaned.

"BUT I NEED TO TRAIN OR ILL DIE!!!" Omni started bouncing off the walls.

Naomi sat up. In an hour we can go meet up with the others.

"Ugh fine." Omni laid in her bed. Naomi knew Omni wasn't sleeping because she was moving around.

Poor Omni, I couldn't imagine getting involved in a war at 12 years old.

Naomi soon went to sleep even though Omni's twisting and turning was making noise.


Hi sorry if a bunch of things just randomly popped up out of nowhere In this chapter like Leyu being trained by Yei Lu but it will make sense later I promise. Also I'm sorry this chapter took long cuz I had a writers block

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