World Enders II

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The autonomous ship came out of hyperdrive in the Euvorix star system and approached a giant asteroid big enough to be a small moon. Black Horse and all the others were on the ship with Kyla Holland. She was beyond terrified and kept losing consciousness.

The ship landed on the asteroid in a bustling harvest site. The site was where Lotus Maximus' lair was. The site had already produced thousands of new androids with the energy from a star as their power source. These androids were reminiscent of the legendary Pillars that infiltrated the old Star Brigade and caused division among its ranks before the destruction of Bangora.

The androids had one consciousness linked to Lotus'. All that they did was calculated through her hive mind. She controlled the biozoids with the chips in a similar manner, but they had more room for free will because they were partially human.

At the end of the Omega War, Alpha Maximus' host body was destroyed by Oasis, which caused everything under his control to default back to a degenerated state. But just before the war, he uploaded part of himself into the hardwired brain of Lotus, who had been kept alive after Akira died.

Lotus was a pivotal chess piece. And she wasn't going to stop until she was one with everything in the universe. Now, Alpha Maximus was more human than android. He no longer needed a robotic body. Lotus had human intelligence, senses, and emotions now infused with evolving cybernetic memory. So this strategy would only prolong the chess game.

And what made it worse was that, if confronted with Lotus, Zenith, and Oasis probably wouldn't have a chance to appeal to her human side. She was raised by machines.

After the biozoids got off the ship it blasted off again. When it was in the sky it divided into separate pieces like a shattered puzzle. Each piece was separated into smaller pieces until there were thousands of them. Each one swiftly shape-shifted into a drone. The drones went into cloak mode and then spread out to guard the asteroid's airspace.

ORIGIN 2: World EndersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora