New Glory Days

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Zenith and Oasis were at their living compound on Celestia. The compound was on a 14-acre island in the middle of the boisterous Cassaun Ocean, which looked beautiful as it reflected the young blue sun. The nearest land to the little island was where Integrity Stronghold was.

The living compound had a sleek geometrical shape built out of eco-friendly materials. Part of the compound hung over a cliff by a flight deck where Oasis' ship was, right by the dock.

The extremities of the island were surrounded by wild swarms of tiny, acid-spitting birds called actoos. They flew around in swarming formations. Actoos were territorial, so each swarm battled for space and food among the jagged rock formations. They spat acid saliva at each other. When they dropped dead, large fish with teeth jumped out of the water and grabbed them. The way the birds battled for territory reminded Oasis of a military space battle.

Inside the posh living compound, Zenith and Oasis were sharing warm memories of Storm, Max, and Akira, while watching films recorded on Citadel space station when Oasis was a boy.

Oasis and Zenith talked about Ato's sojourn to Volcrim; how he went to his native moon to get in touch with his culture and to find the Laughing Shadow.

The conversation then shifted to a more recent matter - the current state of the galaxy in relation to the power shift. Throughout the galaxy, this time was said to be like the glory days of the Star Brigade before it languished.

Oasis and Zenith discussed how the Origin Project was building prisons, reforming institutions, and youth-recruiting training schools around the galaxy. They were also discreetly developing outposts and star bases strategically placed around different planets. The organization was now to be the central administrative force.

They talked about a few run-ins they had with old enemies such as some outlaw bands connected to the Star Brigade. Origin Project eradicated most of them by raiding their safe houses and space stations. They detained thousands of band members and biozoids and locked them up in a newly built prison/psych ward in Plumorita called "Solace Asylum''. Solace Asylum took the place of the old Zynnis prison/psych ward space station. Many biozoids afflicted with deep psychological issues after the default were locked up there to be reformed by its intensive psychiatric program called Solace. Many people believed that no biozoid should be granted amnesty. However, Oasis decided that it would serve a just cause. But many of them seemed to have little potential to be flipped, at least for now.

Since the building of Solace Asylum, however, monitored criminal activity around Plumorita saw a decline of 44% within a year. But the Eurvorix star system, the least stable one, had barely been affected. There were still many corrupt Star Brigade agents hiding there trying to re-establish their ranks.

The Vectris star system, where Celestia was, was just as civil as it had always been. Celestia was even more peaceful than Chronesius.

Chronesius' stability declined after the Cowboy Syndicate started a coup against its central government. This was right before the Omega War. But during the war's climax, many of the band's leaders were lost. But then a younger generation was starting. The e-verse was outlawed on Chronesius, so many young virtual reality gamers were trying to bring the violent game worlds to reality.

One problem that surfaced in Solace Asylum was the crime inside. The population was growing and hybrid gangs were forming.

Ratch and Circuit ran Solace's security program and Blake Austere was appointed to be the prison's chief manager. Oasis' girlfriend, Kyla Holland, ran the psychiatric rehab program.

As the conversation came to a gradual conclusion, Oasis looked at Zenith. He saw beyond all his robotic enhancements. He saw the man he knew to be his father; his hero. Zenith looked back at Oasis and asked: "With all that we have accomplished, what do you fear the most, son?" Kind of shifting his gaze, Oasis thought for a second and then replied: "What I fear now is division within our ranks again." "That's a good fear. Let that very fear be the fuel for your work and leadership as Arch-Commander," Zenith told Oasis, putting his mechanical hand on his shoulder.

Oasis was 33 years old now, and though he had led Origin Project to a solid victory, he never believed lasting peace was a real thing. He knew conflict was what naturally gave the galaxy its plight. He just hoped that, as long as it depended on him, peace would prevail, hopefully even to a point far beyond his era. The Helix name and legacy were important to him. Being the genius that he was, he often foresaw things years in advance. This gave him an advantage, although he was young.

Kyla Holland was the main person who kept Oasis going in the times he felt pressure. She reminded him of his grandmother, Storm - strong, loyal, and determined. He admired Kyla for having the heart to deal with psychotic biozoids on a daily basis.

As Oasis sat there in deep thought, he was suddenly startled by an alert on his wrist gadget. When he answered it a hologram of Bio appeared. "What's goin' on on Celestia?" Bio asked Oasis. "Nothin' much. Just catchin' up with dad," Oasis said. " "How's he doin'? Still dealing with those night scares?" Bio asked. Oasis said: "Yeah but they've calmed down a lot, especially after some therapy sessions he had with Kyla." "Cool. And how is she?" Bio asked. "She's amazing!" Oasis said with a half smile.

ORIGIN 2: World EndersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora