Truer taxi

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"Jisung, sweetheart? Wake up, sweetie."

Minho lightly shook the boy, it has been thirty minutes since Jisung drifted off, and he's starting to feel sticky.

"Jisung, I'm gonna put you down now, I still have to clean you up."

Minho didn't wait for a response. He gently settled Jisung down on the seat, and he watched how the latter curl up into a ball, still asleep.

Minho smiled at the moment.

So he's the cuddly one after sex.

He hopped into the front seat to open his compartment. He grabbed all the stuff he needed and went back to the blue-haired boy.

Jisung's eyes have already opened but Minho could see that he was still kind of dazed.

"Hey, there. Had a good rest?" Minho asked as he started rubbing Jisung's body with a wet towel.

Jisung didn't answer, he just moved closer to Minho so he could clean him better. He looked up to Minho with his innocent doe eyes, as if asking for something.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Minho asked as he started cleaning himself as well.

"Did I help you with your problem?"

Oh, god.

He ruined this innocent boy because of his moronic choices.

"Of course, sweetie, you helped plenty. Now what would you like to wear?"

"Anything comfortable is good."

Minho nodded as he unzipped the duffel bag and reached out for a hoodie and baggy pants, along with grey boxers and helped Jisung dress up. He also slipped in his own pair of clothes that he grabbed from his compartment a while ago.

"Jisung, I have something to tell you."

The boy looked at him with full curiosity. Oh, how Minho messed this one up.

"Sweetie, I'm a porn star, and I was supposed to film today for a fake taxi episode. Then you came in and I thought you were my co-star, that's on me, and here we are now."

Jisung blinked a few times, clearly trying to process what Minho just said.

"So, you're not really going to drive me to Seoul?"

Isn't he just so lovely?

"Well, that part is true. I really reside in Seoul and I promise I'll drive you to your destination, as an apology as well."

Minho hopped in the driver's seat and he started the engine. He was startled when Jisung climbed into the passenger's seat and looking up to him with his pleading eyes once again.

"What is it?"

"Can I sit on your lap while you drive?"

Minho couldn't help but coo at Jisung's cuddliness. He pinched the boy's cheek before placing his hands on the steering wheel.

"Later, baby. Just let me find an ATM first."

Jisung nodded and strapped on his seatbelt before relaxing himself on the passenger's seat.

Minho was glad to find an ATM just five minutes into driving. He got out of the car and quickly withdrew his money before going back in.

"Since I can't go back to the place we met for certain reasons, I'll be paying for your allowance for now."

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