laying my eyes on you

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I don't feel like I do sometimes. Like it disappears when I'm cleaning my studio apartment's dishes. My gaze falls upon a cafe as I go through the streets of my small city. It was calm and delicious, I've heard. I poked my head out the window to see what appeared to be a lonely scene with just a guy and a couple. By yourself? Although I don't like to pass judgment, it feels really lonely. I guess we have that in common. I forced myself to stop thinking foolish thoughts and instead just took a big breath, letting my cheeks widen, and exhaled before entering the cafe.

The cafe appears to have been inspired by an abandoned library, as I hear a small bell ding as I push open the entrance. Long vines swing from pots over what appear to be seven-foot-tall bookshelves stacked with various mystery, romance, and nonfiction titles. I walked up to the cash register as I heard soft music playing in the background-just the soundbase-and my eyes scanned the area until I saw the man again. This time, he was staring straight at me, which I found kind of creepy, but I ignored it. I then glanced at the employee, who was wearing a cute uniform with brown cargo pants. It truly enhanced her appearance. Naturally, I'll make sure to tell her that in my head.

She spoke in a calm, soft voice that helped calm my nerves about the man who was staring at me. Speaking of which, I turned to look at him again and saw that he was making a horrible attempt to look like he was reading a book while glancing at me every few seconds. "Good evening Miss, what may I get you?" she asked. With a smile, I glanced back at the girl. The girl nodded and scribbled, "May I have a few pastries, it doesn't matter, anyone will do for me" on a small notepad before turning around and beginning to prepare the meal.

I'm here, so why not take a seat and take in the ambience? I approached an open table with a wooden table and a lace-patterned carpet resting on it, along with an uncomfortable-looking wooden chair. Using a little illuminated candle. I was sitting with my butt at the edge of the seat, looking about when I noticed the man who had been staring at me approaching. I really didn't want to talk to him, oh brother. I smiled at him even though he looked strange and a little filthy. He had a wolf cut, untidy black hair, and drooping eyes. He also drew up a chair next to me.

"Is the person you're waiting for a fool?" He stated. Was that his initial inquiry? Not even a polite salutation. I really want to end this conversation right now.

"They needed to go somewhere, so I decided to come but they'll be back soon." Naturally, I told a falsehood, thinking that this guy might be a weirdo who tried to follow me home. "But don't you think that was an impolite thing to say I mean I never even made your acquaintance yet"

He merely grinned and flicked back his bangs with his palm before fixing his gaze on mine. "Danta, Danta Esposito, may I ask for yours now?" This guy has nerve, but I'll still feel sorry for him. I smiled at him inanely. "Indeed, Yesenia. It could be all you receive."

"Mysterious?" "No not at all, just untrusting of you," I might have laughed a little, thinking it was amusing because I felt like I was criticizing him in front of him. The strange thing is that he laughed as well. Why chuckle?

"Well you don't need to be like that, but then again you seem like the cold type." "Was that an insult?" He merely laughed-that is, chuckled-and responded, "Well, it's only fair in insult for an insult" when I asked him.

This guy's complete nerve. I gave him a fierce look, but he continued to smirk mischievously. "Why did you sit with me? It seems that everyone 'loves' someone like you." Although I said that in jest, it appears that he took it seriously. "Aw are you jealous if I have a girlfriend?" That made my heart skip a beat; perhaps I was simply extremely hungry. I'm not sure why. What other justification could there be, really?

"Just teasing you pinky" Just teasing you pinky.. I placed my palm over my forehead with my elbow resting on the table. I had heard that once, but it was a long time ago-roughly seventy years. I'm not claiming to be old. It's complex, and while it might be a blessing for others, I don't see it that way because I'll always be 24.

Someone's fingers slapping against my face was audible to me. The man was the same. What a jerk "Whoa thought I lost you there for a second, are you-" "yes yes I'm fine." I cut him off, and when the cutesy-looking lady called my order number and I excused myself politely to go retrieve my food-which was wrapped in a paper bag with a flower on it-I felt as though a miracle had spared me. It brightened my day a little. But only a little. After paying for my items, I turned around and was about to walk out the door when I heard footsteps behind me.

Glancing back to re-observe the man. "Do you need anything else?" I spit all over him. "I want you to take this before you leave," he says, holding up a piece of paper with several digits on it. Of course, his phone number. I was about to say no, but he was so insistent that I took the paper from him and left after hearing him yell. "Hope to see you again!" I really hope not.


I set the pastry down on the counter as soon as I arrived home. Not even hunger is bothering me anymore. The dude completely sated my hunger. I took a couple mental swipes at the paper he gave me, reading his phone number, then I rolled my eyes and slammed it onto the counter. "Why is the guy attempting to get near me? I won't let him have friends or anything else he wants, so it's not like we'll ever get the chance.

While it's true that I don't have any friends, I can explain why with logic. Approximately fifty years ago, I gave up on attempting to make acquaintances. At some point, they're all going to pass away, except me? It's not my fault that I choose to live this way; the typical soul reincarnates millions of times, but for me it was just three. Hell no, no matter what I try, I can't escape this body or this existence. One small blister on my skin and it heals instantly. And the family I was born into is the only one at fault.


"What a dream.. I finally found you, la mia anima gemella"

DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora