A Royal Procession

Start from the beginning

"My Lady, You mustn't!" Stated the maid, insistent and reprimanding. I did not envy her her job.

"I want to see the dragon!" Stated the little lady, and I could hear a little foot stomping on the wooden floor.

Next to me, Leon sighed. "My half sister, Serenity." He said, glancing at me apologetically.

"She is a dragonelle!" Hissed the maid, out of my sight. "She is not one of those knightly dragons from around the palace, Princess!" 

Leon was looking uncomfortable and awkward as we took the last few steps toward the carriage.

"I won't bite her." I said, both revolted at the thought, and annoyed that they thought I would.

I saw that Leon grew pale and seemed about to say something. i had begun to notice a pattern of him trying very hard not to cause offence. For a second I found that, in and of it self, rather offensive, but then I remembered that I was a dragon. I wouldn't let a child near a strange dragon either.

But, before Leon could make another excuse for perceived rudeness, a blue and blonde bullet came flying out of the carriage in the form of a small girl.

"Serenity!" Chided Leon at the same time a woman called: "Princess!"

Before I knew it I was nose to nose with what I could only describe as a China doll. This little Princess, much like her older brother, was exactly what you would expect a princess to look like. She was in a sea of a blue gown, little blue shoes, and a river of caramel blonde hair. Pearly white skin and a set of blue eyes that looked very like her older brothers.

I heard her take in a deep, surprised, breath when she realized that she at nearly stumbled into the literal maw of a dragon. Panicking a little, she stumbled backwards where she was caught by her brother.

"Hello." I said, to the girl, making sure to keep my head low. i didn't want to tower over the girl and scare her. "I'm Allura."

Here blue eyes grew round, and a second later she broke into a bright smile. "Hello Allura! I am Princess Serenity Orelious, and it's a pleasure to meet you." She said, stepping away from her brother and curtsying like a true little princess. "Thank you for helping our brave knights, Allura."

"Ah, my pleasure." I said, my head nodding in a rather bird like manner.

"Sorry for my sister's abruptness." Sighed Leon. "She has become spoiled, having so many dragons near by at all times. I fear that she has forgotten her lessons about wild dragons, and how one is not supposed to approach them... Ever."

The little princess winced, shooting her brother an apologetic look.

Leon took a deep, calming breath, before reaching out and patting her upon the head. "Allura seems to be a very personable and lenient young dragonelle, but Serenity, you know that most dragons are not as such. Dragons are people, yes, but they are not humans and their customs are not like our own. Just because our partner dragons are patient with our ways, does not mean that most dragons have no such dispositions."

"Yes Leon..." Said Serenity, looking quite chastised, her fists in her skirts and her head lowered, looking up between her lashes. "I understand."

"Your brother is right to lecture you." Huffed the maid as she jumped out of the carriage and glared at the young princess, arms folder over her chest. "I understand that, living in the palace, you see many a dragon... But even there you have been warned against haplessly approaching them!"

"I Know Hannah. I'm sorry."

Hannah, the maid or assistant- I wasn't sure her actual job title- was a pretty lady in and of herself. He was tall, with shoulder length black hair, golden eyes, and if I wasn't mistaken: pointy ears. Was she an elf?

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