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I watched him run off to the nearest elevator

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I watched him run off to the nearest elevator. Why was he in such a rush to get to some stupid dinner? And why did we always meet like this?

"Are you gonna come in?" Jacob asked while looking at the papers and walking away from me, "Or are you going to keep getting glimpses of him?"

I rolled my eyes and walked inside, closing the door behind me. I sat on the couch away from him, which was something I never did. I would usually go and sit right on top of his desk. Making sure that he could see all the parts that god gave me.

I would sit there with my legs crossed, looking down on him. It was the only moment that I felt like I was in control. He would hit me with a smirk as he leaned back in his chair, asking me what I wanted from him. I would say 'You know what I want', and he would pry my legs open and dip his fingers between my thighs.

It's how it always went.

Then he would fully take control of me. Fucking me in his chair, on the desk, and then on the couch that I was sitting on. And then if we were horny enough, we would do it in the car.

But this time was different. I didn't want to have sex with him.

"What's going on cupcake?" He said setting the papers down on his desk and sitting in his chair.

"Why are you having this dinner?" I asked him, "It's our anniversary night."

He pulled his chair up all the way and let his elbows rest on the piece of furniture, "We can do something after."

"Have sex?"

He laughed to himself before rising to his feet. He walked over to me, sitting himself in the space between us.

"I love you too."

I looked at him confused.

He got up and grabbed his shirt, heading into his bathroom. I didn't understand this new behavior. For the past week, he seemed to not care about anything I said. One day he was all about me, now we just have sex. He doesn't text me back anymore. We barely go on dates, and he just seems to ignore me together at work. I understand that I don't want the whole company to know what we are, but at least show some affection behind closed doors of the office.

Before I could relish this weird moment, I got up and left.

All I wanted was a drink, and I knew where to get it.


"AVANI!!" Serena screamed from the table.

I walked in with a smile on my face. I was tired but needed some sort of fun. All my coworkers were there.

Including Marcelino.

He was playing pool with some of the other guys, bear in hand, and his fingers wrapped around the pool stick firmly. I was slightly captivated before a drink was shoved in my face. I took it from her hands with a smile on my face. I thought this was supposed to be a dinner, but then again almost everyone here is an alcoholic on special occasions.

I downed the shot and got another, then another, then another. At this point Serena and I were tipsy. Since there was no work tomorrow, there was no reason for us to hold back. The clinking of glasses and murmur of conversation filled the air around us.

As the night progressed, the drinks flowed freely, each cocktail adding a splash of courage to our spirits. Eventually, the pulsating rhythm of the music lured us to the dance floor. Amidst the sea of bodies swaying to the beat, we found ourselves lost in the moment.

Our laughter intertwined with the melody, our movements fluid and uninhibited. We went back to the bar for more drinks and sat down to catch our breaths.

"Hello, beautiful ladies." Someone said from behind us, "Can we join you?"

Calvin asked while taking a seat next to Serena. We all knew he liked her. It was obvious.

He would follow her around like a lost puppy and linger around the reception desk for no reason. It was cute. I watched as Marcelino sat next to Calvin, on the outskirts to the point where I could barely see him.

I sat quietly and drank the night away, while the two in the middle flirted with each other. Soon enough, they got up and made their way to the dance floor. I turned around and hyped them up as they walked to the middle to show everyone how it was done.

When they were out of my sight, I turned to face the quiet boy. He was staring at his drink and sipping it slowly.

"You'll never have fun that way," I said walking over to sit next to him.

He lifted his head to me before laughing to himself, "I'm not trying to get drunk."

"Why not?" I asked a little quickly, "You're never going to get to know anyone if you stay in that little shell of yours."

He smiled up at me and twirled his drink on the table.

I grabbed the drink from the bar and lifted it to my lips. I held the intense eye contact I love to use. After taking a small sip, I put it up to his mouth. He allowed me to tilt his head back and let the liquid flow into his mouth. Tilting it back so he downs it all the way.

When it was all gone, he shut his eyes tightly, letting the hot liquor go down his throat. I watched him swallow and stared at his neck. There was always something about a guy's neck that I loved. The way the Adam's apple moved when they swallowed.

Oh, how I wish to be next.

"Another." He said, fetching me from my thoughts.

We got him another drink, and this time I was feeling a bit risky. I was also a little drunk and out of my mind, but at this moment I didn't care about anything.

I grabbed the drink and turned his chair towards mine. I guess he got the idea to place his hands on my waist while I was preparing myself. He stared at me, waiting for more. It was amusing to see how desperate he was becoming.

I wanted to tease him a bit. 

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