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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later

The printer wasn't working again, tasked with a bunch of papers that needed to be copied. This is my hundredth time trying to make a copy of the same damn paper. I begin to feel my blood boil. I shut my eyes for a second before saying a small prayer to ease the pain I was feeling. Therapy did teach me something small. Praying and counting in my head made that money worth it in the end.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7--Mumble.1,2,3,4,5--Mumble. 1,2,3---

"Are you almost done?" Someone said behind me.

I turned around to face the lovely lady I saw on my first day. I stared for a second before realizing that she was talking to me. I stood there not knowing what to say to her. I didn't want to admit that I was struggling with a simple printer, that's embarrassing.

She walked a little ways past me and to the printer. She looked at it and took the papers out just to put them back in again. I watched as she swiftly moved the papers and clicked the button. To my amazement, it began printing out the papers that I needed.

"I don't use printers." I chuckled softly.

"These are just stupid and complicated for no reason." She replied, "You'll get used to them."

I nodded my head still waiting on my papers. Since I had only managed to get one out of this machine, I was waiting for a while. She also just stood there waiting for me.

"I'm Marcelino," I said stretching my arm out.

"Avani." She said shaking it.

She didn't look like a delight at the moment. Every day I see her from afar I wonder what's going on in that head of hers. The first time I saw her she looked disheveled, and now she looked put together and stand-offish.

"I'm new here." I said, trying to eliminate the silence that seemed to embrace us both, "Office jobs are like my thing."

She nodded her head.

What was I doing? She doesn't want to talk to me for some reason.

"Hey, you two." I turned my head to see who it was, "Big meeting today."

He set his food on the table nearby and sat down.

"How'd that go?" Avani asked.

So she does speak.

"Boring, per usual." He replied, "Jacob is a real pain once the numbers go down, but I feel like it's even worse when we're doing amazing."

She laughed and agreed.Her laugh was so smooth.

"But he did say dinners on him tonight."

She turned her head so fast once he spilled that. It was almost like it was supposed to be a secret rather than an open invitation. At this point, I was ready to get back to my desk and finish these papers before Jacob came over my shoulder.

I was making my way to the door when he said something else, "Is the new guy going with us?"

I turned around to face the both of them. Was he asking her if I was going with them? I looked at her and she stared at me.

"This is Calvin." She said as he raised his hand to wave at me, "Were you coming with us to the dinner?"

Before any words could come out of my mouth, Calvin's arm wrapped around my shoulders, "Of course he's going. Wouldn't want to miss it."

I nodded my head.

I know it is my chance to break the ice and get to know my colleagues better.

Throughout the day, I worked diligently, trying to make a good impression on my new coworkers. I am still learning the ropes but am determined to show my dedication. Before I knew it, everyone was getting up from their desk and making their way to the elevator. I hesitated for a moment at my desk, wondering if I should join them.

But I have to remember that these are strangers, I'm never going to know them If I don't talk to them. It's not like they planned on killing me, right?

I ran over, grabbing my things quickly to go down with them. But before I could, I remembered the papers that I had finished. They were supposed to be on Jacob's desk before he left. I ran back over trying to find the papers through the crowd of documents swallowing my desk. When I finally found them I ran to his office.

I didn't make it to his door before seeing her. Avani was already walking there. She turned around to see me standing close by.

"I just need to drop these papers off," I explained even though she never asked me.

Before either of us could knock, the door opened. There he was, shirtless. I didn't understand why, but I didn't care either.


It seemed like she couldn't help but stare.

"If it isn't my two favorite people." He said looking at us, "Avani I was just about to look for you."

I looked back at her to see that she had a smile on her face, but it didn't seem genuine. She looked down, removing her eyes from his torso. I decided that staying here any longer would cause me to ask questions, so I handed him the papers.

"This is what you asked me for," I said.

Once they were in his hands, I turned on my heels to walk away only for him to stop me. "Are you going to the dinner with us?" He asked.
I nodded my head, "That's the plan."

I walked away not knowing what the situation between those two was. There was no way they were together. That would be against the policy Jacob made (No mixing pleasure with business). I didn't want to stick my nose in anyone's business, so I didn't ask questions. I'm just here for my checks, my bills can't be paid with curiosity. 

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