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"He's not my type."

"You haven't even looked at him," Karen retorts.

I turn the page of my book, reaching the last of the other three hundred and six pages I read yesterday when I bought it. My heart squeezed knowing the end was near because I had no idea what I would read when it happened. However, I really wanted to know if things would end well. I needed to know.

"And he's not my type either," I reaffirm.

"Just... look at him," my best friend pleads.

"You're looking enough for both of us. He's your type, so go for it, girl, you have my support."

My eyes wander over the lines while the world around me, except for Tatiana, doesn't exist. It's impossible to ignore Tatiana. She knows how to make her presence felt even when she doesn't want to, and when she does, it's impossible to contradict her.

"Girl, just look!" she bursts out, her hands covering my book, making me squint my eyes because she had the audacity to invade my personal space completely and snatch the book from my hands.

"Karen..." I reprimand furiously.

I raise my eyes irritated, she huffs as irritated as me and points with a head movement to the cafeteria counter. I roll my eyes and extend my hand for her to return my book as quickly as possible, before I commit a murder on this table using toothpicks and napkins.

I could cause a tragedy for my book.

She points to the counter with her head again. She squeezes my book between her hands, and that almost makes me have a heart attack, my air simply evaporates, and the beats of my heart freeze.

"For God's sake, just look."

I run my hand over my face, starting to get very annoyed. I gave in and looked at the table on the other side of the cafeteria, without a single desire. Blake had a toothpick in his mouth, staring at me.

I rolled my eyes, he pouted and blew a kiss. The feeling of irritation increased, and I forced myself to look away, trying to ignore his provocation. Karen restrained herself from suppressing a smile pushing the book towards me and being shot by my fiery gaze.

"Five hundred dollars," she replied, with a mischievous smile. "He promised me another five hundred if I could convince you to go out with him."

"No, for the fifth time, he's still not my type. He's just handsome, like I said. Beauty isn't everything," I said, sitting up in my chair and straightening up again. "The guy's a jerk."

She gasped and looked at me as if she were on the brink of death, at the same time as if I were completely crazy for saying that.

"He's everyone's type, Bella." Lie.

He wasn't my type, much less Karen's. She was only saying that because she wanted to earn the five hundred dollars.

"I'm not like everyone else, Karen, remember that," I replied, clasping my hands in front of me and looking at her with a brief innocent blink. She slowly rolled her eyes, filled with so much hatred.

"I forget that you take my mother's sayings seriously."

I lean back in the chair but misjudge my tilt, it's heavy, I don't have time to grab the edge of the table and I'm pulled by gravity backwards, crashing along with the chair to the floor. I open my closed eyes in the fall, hearing Karen laugh. In a grimace, I focus on the slightly distorted ceiling lights, my head hurts.

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