Alex: "Yep all ready!"

Lucy: "Good let's go, you're driving!"

They both got in the shop and set off.

Alex: "So you not on maternity leave yet?"

Lucy: "No I can handle a few more months. I'll be bored sat at home anyway!"

Alex: "Fair enough!"

Alex: "So was that your ex back at the station?"

Lucy: "Ugh yes, I feel like mine and Tim's ex's are always around us!"

Lucy: "I mean, I broke up with Chris and then went straight to Tim, was I unfair on Chris... No I always blame myself, but then we never fought so was it like worth the effort, no I don't know why I'm talking about him. I'm happy with Tim!"

Alex looked concerned

Alex: "Ok.. slow down!"

Lucy: "Sorry, I just needed to get it out and I didn't want to worry Tim!"

Alex: "I get it, but have you asked Lopez or Harper to do some digging?"

Lucy: "Ye I asked them this morning. Is that weird?"

Alex: "No, it's probably weird seeing him after all this time!"

Lucy: "Ye I guess!"

Meanwhile with Tim

Tim was stuck doing paperwork for hours and decided to leave his office and find something else to do.

He wandered over to Angela and Nyla.

They both saw him and quickly clicked off of what they were digging for Lucy about Chris.

Angela: "Oh hey Timm!"

Tim: "Hi, what you guys looking at?"

Nyla: "Oh nothing just detective work!"

Tim: "Anything I can help with?"

Nyla and Angela: "Nopeee!"

Tim: "Okay, why are guys acting weird?"

Angela: "No we aren't!"

Tim: "Okay, whatever you guys are up to. I don't wanna know. Did Lucy say anything about Chris to you?"

Angela and Nyla looked at eachother.

Nyla: "Nope nothing!"

Tim: "Okay keep me posted!"

Angela and Nyla nodded.

Tim started walking away and Nolan came over.

Nolan: "Hey Tim!"

Tim: "What Nolan, I don't have time!"

Celina quickly ran over.

Celina: "Hey guys what you talking about?"

Tim: "I was just leaving!"

Nolan: "Tim wait we need to talk!"

Celina: "We should be going!"

Nolan: "Juarez go wait in the shop!"

Celina: "But... I.."

Nolan gave Celina a look, and she nervously walked away.

Nolan: "We never got time to talk about what happened between me and Lucy!"

Tim: "Look Nolan I've moved on, it doesn't matter anymore, we don't need to talk about it. Your boot is waiting!"

Nolan: "But.. Tim..i"

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