✨Chapter 4✨

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                   🫧Felisha's point of view🫧

As I slowly began to open my eyes, while they adjust to the lighting, I see what looked to be a trail of blood leaving the lost and found. As I lifted myself off the floor, I felt a sharp and extinguishing pain coming from my legs, while I struggled to walk properly trying to follow the trail of blood, as it lead to the nurse's office I limped towards it feeling something was off, as I opened the door, I see lily wrapping a bandage around her head, I looked at her with confusion, before I see the blood dripping down the back of her head.

I gasped, as lily turned around and glared at me when she saw I was their.

"What do you want?" Lily asked rudely.

"Nothing, I just followed the trail of blood you left in the hallway, and what time is it anyways? And are you okay?" Felisha asked.

Lily pointed to the clock that was in the nurse office that read: 2:11 am (the current time that I am writing this).

"And that's none of your business" lily answered with annoyance.

"Well, we're going to be stuck here for a while sooo..."

"So what?" Lily asked.

"So, maybe we could explore the school, and talk" Felisia answered.

"Yeah, no way I'm doing that with you, I'm going to call my mom, oh and how come your mom hasn't called the school or came to pick you up? Oh alright! Silly me I forgot you're ADOPTED!" Lily laughed, as she pulled out her phone to find it in a complete different language that she didn't recognize it didn't even look human, as her phone became more laggy as she tried to figure out what was wrong with her phone, became more and more pissed, as it wouldn't stop lagging. Felisha stayed quiet not saying anything, as her eyes swelled up with tears.


                   🫧lily's point of view🫧

When my phone finally let me into the phone app I hurriedly tried to call my mom but all it said was
"Sorry you seem to be in an area with no working cell tower, please l-l-......lAeVE the area immediately." Lily got chills down her spine as it lagged out and sounded distorted when it said leave.

"So did she pick up?" Felisha annoying asked me.

"No, b-" I was about to say before I get a strange feeling in my gut while I heard the faint sound of what I thought to be someone running up the stairs but I didn't sound human it was very frantic and animal like. I quickly pull felisha into the tight closet with another thought and locked the door. I put my hand over her mouth as she was about to say something, I put my index finger on my lips telling her to be quiet.

As we hear it running down the hallway frantically, it began running down the hallway of the lost and found, as it sounded like it was licking the blood off the floor. Felisha looked at me terrified as she quickly hugged me out of panic, while I awkwardly hug her back.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting in this tight closet with Felisha; the thing's footsteps sounded farther away then before, so l let go of Felisha and slowly opened the closet door, turning my head left and right just to make sure it wasn't in the nurse's office.

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