Start from the beginning

The Sargi were hesitant at first; they saw the position their friend was in and had to do as they were told. It was as if the tables had turned. Justice would be his. They brought Anna into the room where Ember still remained. The Jailer looked mortified.

"Ember, what are you doing?" Anna had big blue eyes that the man got lost in every time he talked to her. "Do as you are told. That is the only way you can survive in this place."

"I had to get you here. I have had enough of this horrible place. Now is our chance to break free. We can go back home and live the perfect life together."

The next moments happened in a blur. The Jailer escaped the clutches of Prisoner 713. Anna bolted for the door; guards stood in front of it. The Jailer pulled out a dagger and stabbed Anna in the chest repeatedly. Most people scream when they die. Anna was so shocked she was silent.

"No, no, no!" The Man In Red sobbed. "Anna! You cannot die now, we were supposed to get married. One of you, help her!"

The Sargi paid him little to no attention. Anna staggered backwards into Ember's arms. He clung to her body. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Curse you! Curse all of you!" Blood covered the chains that wrapped around his hands. "Anna, do not leave me, Anna! Please, may the Dios have mercy on you! You are going to be okay!" Misery choked him. Anna was slowly becoming closer to Death's door. She spoke a few final words before she passed:

"Ember, your heart is like a flame, always burning brightly, no matter what." She squeezed his hand and slipped a locket into it. The guards tried to take him away. He kicked, screamed, sobbed and did anything he could to save her. They were meant to get married. Ember cried so loudly the whole building could hear him. His one true love had died in his arms.

"Anna! I will never love anyone again! I will never love anyone but you!"

Sadness was replaced with anger. In a fit of rage, Ember attacked the Jailer. He would not get off of the man. The Man In Red punched him until his knuckles went bloody.

"How does it feel? You killed her! She did nothing wrong. She did-" Ember collapsed to the floor. His body felt more energised than it ever had done previously. There was only one explanation. Magic was flowing through his veins. The Man In Red levitated in the air, breaking his chains in the process. His eyes went from a red colour to pure white, like his hair. Everyone in the room watched in awe. No prisoner had done that ever. The chains were made of silver that stopped magic. It's my turn now. Magic flowed out of his fingertips, pulsing towards some of the Sargi present with him.

"Astonishing!" The Jailer admired what was going on. In all of his years of being one of the Emperor's men he had never seen magic be performed like that.

None of Ember's magic did any damage. It was only an awakening. Although it excited him nevertheless. For the past years, he had been struggling to awaken his magic. His parents may have attempted to get someone to teach him; it was no use. All of the lessons had seemed useless at that point. Yet, currently, it was apparent they had all paid off. Twenty seconds or so later, the Man In Red collapsed to the floor.


The Man In Red stared at the ugly walls of his own cell. His magical awakening had been just over a month ago. The prison had been somewhat bearable when Anna was by his side. Most days he spent in silence. Prison makes a sane person turn crazy. The guards thought that about Ember. Everyday they monitored his movements carefully. Rumours circulated around the prison about what had happened in the torture chamber. Some thought it had been the Dios themselves returning after so many years. Impossible. I suppose religion can occupy my mind for the remainder of my time here. It will make it much more bearable if I believe some mythical beings are coming to save me.

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