The Bet *Revelation

Start from the beginning

“That’s when I heard you,” Andre continues, “I thought there were aliens abducting you.”

I hear shuffling inside and a groan from someone.

“Ouch!” Andre grunts.

I wonder what Draky did to him. After an awkward silence (in my part), they start talking again.

“You told me it was about Sophia,” Andre says.

“Yes,” replies Draky.

 “What was it?”

Does that mean that Draky dreamed of me? And it was a nightmare? Talk about embarrassing! And to top it all, Andre wants to know about it. What did I do to him in his dream that made him scream? Hah. Why do I even think I have a major role in his dream? I bet I was just a background in it.

A clearing of the throat makes me yelp in surprise. I look around me wildly, afraid that they catch me eavesdropping on them. I exhale a sigh of relief when I realize that the sound came inside Draky’s room.

“It was raining, and I was here inside this room,” Draky begins in a quiet voice.

I wonder if he’ll tell this dream if he knows I am listening.

“Suddenly,” he continues, “Pie, no I mean, Sophia, just appeared out of nowhere. I was shocked to see her inside my room, you know. I thought you were both playing a prank on me.”

I really want to see Draky’s expression while he’s talking.

“She was not the Sophia I know. She looked like an avenging angel advancing towards me.”

Me, an avenging angel? It’s kind of amusing when people tell their friends about their dream. But why did he say earlier that it was a nightmare?

“And then she started talking about the bet,” Draky says in an urgent tone.

“How did she know?” Andre whispers.

The bet? What are they talking about?

“I don’t know! Thank goodness it was just a dream! But I was so shocked with her outbursts I just stared at her like she was a bizarre creature.”

“It’s impossible,” Andre says slowly. “She’ll never know. We’re the only one who knows about it.”

“I know,” Draky agrees. “But this surprised me even more. She said that she even liked me. Like, she had a crush on me.”

“Yeah,” Andre says in a dry tone. “It was just a dream; don’t put it in your head.”

“Shut up,” Draky mutters. “I’m not even done.”

“Continue it then. I want to know the ending of your dream.”

I can’t even think straight while they’re talking because part of me is focused on what they are saying.

“When I called her Pie,” Draky says slowly, “She lunged at me and stroked the knife in my chest.”

“Whoa! Where did the knife came from?” Andre asks, his voice full of excitement.

“I don’t know. Maybe she was holding it the whole time she was there.”

They don’t speak after that. My mind is whirling with a lot of thoughts. Why would I kill Draky in his dream? What’s the bet they’re talking about? How –

“That’s when I heard you scream,” Andre repeats, “When you thought you were going to die.”

“It was such a creepy nightmare,” Draky says quietly.

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