Nop....... Good morning sir .....

Pete.................. hmmm morning ....

Pete said while going in kitchen to cook breakfast for way while nop make coffee for him ... Pete was making breakfast when winner come in Kitchen and saw Pete and nop ....

Winner...... Goo....... Good sir Pete ...

Pete................... Hmmm

Winner...... Are you making breakfast for p'way ??

Pete.................. Hmmm

Winner..... Well I also come to make breakfast for Dean ....

Pete.................. What's your relation with dean ??

Winner...... Boyfriend .... Well actually we was boyfriends but one year ago i hurt him so he leave me ...

Pete.................. Than why you disturbing him again ??

Winner...... I was wrong back there and i thought if i give him time than maybe he will understand my situation in which i hurt him but i was stupid to think that so that's why now i want to win him back ......

Pete.................... Hmm dean is a good boy .. he helped me and way so much that's why i make him my brother but i respect him more than anything so if he don't want to be with you than you can't force him to be with you .....

Winner...... Sir Pete i know he still love me .. and trust me i also love him so much but still like you said if he don't want than I'm not going to force him ..

Pete.................... Good .....

Nop...... Sir ... We have to go ... It's urgent ......

Pete.................... What happen ??

Nop...... Sir he's coming to office to meet you .....

Pete.................... Fuck ... ( To himself ) Okay let's go ..... Winner way's breakfast is ready so when he woke up heat it for him and  ( write something on a note ) give this to him too .....

Winner........ Okay ...

Than Pete and nop left from there .... Winner saw the note and smile on what Pete write for way than he put it down and make breakfast for himself and dean ... He was about to done it when dean come there too ........

Dean......... What you doing in kitchen ??

Winner........ Making breakfast for you sweetheart ..... Here ....

Dean......... Winner ....

Winner........ Please ... Can't you punish me while been with me ?? I promise i will do everything whatever you say but please just one last chance ... Please Dean ... I really want us to work on ourselves .....

Dean......... How can i believe that this time you not going to do anything like that again ??

Winner......... Dean i don't have anything to make you believe me other than myself .....

Dean........ Listen Mr . Winner if you do something like that again than remember that this time i'm going to kill you .....

Winner......... As you wish ............ So did i get the chance ??

Dean......... If breakfast will be good than i will think .....

Winner.......... Yes .... ( Kiss dean on cheek )

Dean......... Heyyyyyy I still didn't give you the chance .....

Winner.......... Breakfast is good for sure so I get the chance sweetie .... Here eat more ....

Dean didn't said anything but smile and blush a little bit too and seeing this winner smile and again stole one more kiss from dean ......

In way's room .......

When way woke up he didn't saw Pete on his side which make him sad thinking that Pete left without saying anything .... He get fresh and come downstairs to see winner on sofa while having dean in his arms ... Seeing them he feel happy for Dean and went down ....

Way..................... Look like you guys catch up

Dean......... P'way ... Good morning ...

Winner........ Good morning p'way ....

Way....................... GOOD morning .....

After that winner went to kitchen to heat the breakfast for way like Pete said and take breakfast and note which Pete write for way he come to way give him ........

Way...................... Thanky......... Pete ...

Winner...... Yes p'pete make your breakfast actually he want to eat with you but he get a important meeting so that's why he left .......

Way smile and read the note ......

Note .............

Sweetheart I'm sorry i have to go this morning but promise after getting together I'm not going to leave you on bed alone even for a single second ..... I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART ....
Be careful on way to work and take care of yourself for me .......   BYE 🖤

Dean......... What did p'pete write to make you blush this much p'way .....

Way...................... I'm going to eat ....

* Guy sorry but I can't update tomorrow ........ Not this one but also my omega 2 too sorry .........

* Guys thank so much for your support ............

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