4 - ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕝 𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕

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Sunshine creeps along the city, lighting it up with nuances of whites, yellows and greys. Light reflects from the many cars driving by and the several signs marking the town, bringing even more colours to the wide variety of shades. All kinds of people are walking, some briskly, obviously rushing somewhere else, others taking their time, strolling and enjoying the morning chilly breeze. Among those many people is walking Peter, groaning for more sleep, his backpack hanging over his left shoulder.

He looks dishevelled despite his very short hair. His white shirt peeks from under his thick wool sweater and his coat is wrinkled. Heavy bags mark the under of his golden eyes, darkening the red of his skin, as he slowly marches the way to his university. His cheeks take a slight purple colour from the cold weather, and he is handling a way too hot cup of black coffee in his hand. His eyes are still foggy with exhaustion, and he keeps blinking, trying to clear his mind from the lack of sleep. Peter hasn't slept much between his studies and the whole Theoden's situation. Plus, to not help at all, his mind kept thinking back to Saifa and how he casually gave him his number like it meant nothing. As if Peter would call or text him. He groans, rubbing his free hand against his eyes, dodging some passersby. The sunlight is hurting his eyes. He should have brought his sunglasses.

As Peter finally sees his university appearing in the distance, he sighs, mentally getting ready for another day of lectures, or probably seeing Theoden and not being able to talk to him, and then going to the store and working until the middle of the night.

What a shitty day, he can't help but think to himself. 


Not far from where Peter is making his way through the morning crowd, Saifa is standing on the opposite side of the street, without his guitar for once. He is drinking a warm cappuccino at one of his favourite coffee spots, close enough to his next lecture's building for him to stop and sit at one of the small tables. His green eyes follow the tall silhouette, watching the buzz-cut hair, the curly red horns and the gold orbs as he sips the sweet, creamy beverage. Peter always looks tired, and Saifa finds it sad, but today is even worse. The young Tiefling looks like he is about to drop. Saifa has seen Theoden earlier, the new Forest Fae-girl by his side. He has been smiling, unlike Peter now. Saifa would really like to help him, but there's not much for him to do except make Peter understand that he is not alone. They could be friends, and he could talk to him. He probably already has friends, but Saifa is trying his best to find a good excuse to get the Fire Tiefling to speak to him. It's a lot more complicated than he would have thought at first. Peter is like a wild cat if he could compare the two. He won't let you come close.

Saifa looks up briefly; the sky is darkening, blanketed with grey clouds. Yet, the world seems to keep its vibrant shades, and he sighs contentedly. He hopes the sun will come back, he thinks as he stands from his chair and starts his journey to his own classes. Today is another day full of promises and new opportunities. As long as he holds onto something, he will be okay. He can render this day meaningful if he wants to. He walks up the pavement and glances to his right, watching Peter marching on the other side of the streets, his shoulders slightly slumping forward as his red, thin tail follows his movements. Saifa sighs again, a little more upset now, but his face brightens when he thinks that he may see Peter at the store tonight. He hopes so. 

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