Chapter 28 Peers

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"Twelfth Night" is the best example of Shakespeare's comedy talent and spirit. The more carnival story frame also contains three pranks: Viola's disguise as a man, Toby, Maria and the clown's dialogue. Malvolio's teasing, and Toby's deception of Andrew.

The emphasis on the two heroines, Viola and Countess Olivia, not only reflects the hint of romance hidden in Shakespeare's comedies, but also praises the beautiful qualities of women - they dare to break through feudal asceticism and He is bound by the concept of hierarchy and persistently pursues his own love and happiness.

Once upon a time, when Vincent was still a child, he saw photos of him performing in a play in college in the old Houllier's study - he was wearing a gorgeous costume, and standing beside him was Caitlin, who was stunningly beautiful when she was young. The two people stood in the crowd and were eye-catching.

That was the group photo taken after the elder Houllier starred in Twelfth Night in college.

He plays the male lead Duke Illyria in this play, whose role is less outstanding than that of the clown, but his clothes are as gorgeous as those of the two female leads.

In this completely female-led drama, with the dual heroines Viola and Olivia both intelligent and beautiful, the male protagonist Orsino, Duke of Illyria, seems a bit dim - facing the love he loves He was always hesitant, indecisive, and even self-pitying, immersed in his own depression without knowing how to take the initiative to break through the shackles.

But this is understandable. As a ruler, Illyria has noble character and noble temperament, and he is loved by his people. Although he is open-minded, due to Orsino's noble status, he has a layer of identity constraints that he cannot break free from.

This is a classic comedy. Except for the necessary villains and clowns in a comedy, the male characters are all kind-hearted without exception.

Vincent was sitting in the audience, and he would occasionally turn his face to look at the old Houllier's expression. The old man kept a faint smile throughout the whole process, and the corners of his mouth turned up to show that he was in a good mood.

Among the drama actors on the stage, there are old actors whose qualifications and skills can be seen at a glance, and there are also young actors whose singing voices still have an inaudible vibrato. But the flaws do not hide the flaws. This is fundamentally different from a campus drama. The shock brought by a group of professional drama actors can definitely keep the audience highly concentrated throughout the hour-and-a-half performance.

"I noticed you were looking at Orsino." Old Houllier's voice whispered in Vincent's ear.

"Yes, because you have also played this role before, and he is far less handsome and elegant than you were at that time." What Vincent said is absolutely the truth - even though Lawrence is

70 years old now, his face has crawled up There are wrinkles, but it is undeniable that judging from the outline and facial features, he can still be described as handsome.

Caitlin was also a literary beauty whose reputation spread throughout Cambridge at that time. The two gave birth to Jennifer Hollier, and found a Mr. Landmore who was not as handsome as her father when he was young, a third-generation Vincent. There are no adjectives for good looks - a collection of excellent genes passed down from three generations and three bloodlines.

"Of course, Eddie is not the most handsome boy in the class, he is even average-looking."

Old Houllier's words made Vincent slightly widen his eyes - the Orsino on the stage turned out to be his grandfather's student!

So in this way, the seniority is a bit messed up, and the other person looks like he is the same age as him. He has the usual pale skin of the British and the typical British temperament. He is quite tall and slightly frail.

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