Chapter 27 A Glimpse of the Theater

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"I really found a very serious problem, Vincent. You are obviously not 20 years old, but sometimes, you are really an out-and-out topic stopper." Mr. Dolson almost hated him. Bu Chenggang looked at his boss, "Oh, after all, she is also a great beauty! In other words, do you have any indescribable secrets?"

Obviously he can make any occasion smooth, but Vincent is on the plane today His performance indeed made Frank feel that he was too calm.

"I refuse to talk to you..."

"Rejection is invalid! I mean, compared to those actresses who only know how to show off their bodies and beauty, Kate is a very good woman."

Vincent nodded: "Okay, I am "Say, isn't it a pity that you didn't find a chance to get an autograph during the whole process?"

Frank was speechless. Sometimes when facing his goddess, he was a little out of control.

"It's a pity. She seems to be somewhat interested in you. Of course, I view the communication between you two very purely. Her attitude towards you is not like coaxing a child to talk, but like treating a person of equal status. Like my colleagues."

"You are right, so this is also my attitude towards her - besides, I am not the particularly humble and respectful type."

Vincent's words were recognized by Frank: "You can see that , you seem to be the kind of unruly one."


"Kate should be auditioning this time. You know, compared to dramas with male protagonists, a good female-led drama is really rare."

"It's a pity that the academy does not favor this type of actresses very much, but any good-looking actress is still striving for a statuette even in her thirties and forties. The judges would like to see more women in the film with numbers." Endless misery, living an almost hopeless life, instead of being well-dressed, well-dressed, and surrounded by countless good men."

When Mr. Dolson said this in a sad and pitiful tone As he spoke, Vincent inevitably shivered in the cold wind.

"Frank, I have to be honest, you've been really sentimental lately."

The agent shrugged: "Well, I'm also blond and blue-eyed. I hope your luck will be better." The two people walked out along the exit. Go, the cold wind with snow outside blows in your face immediately.

"London seems to be colder."

After leaving the airport, Frank wrapped his coat tightly. He turned his head and saw his "food and clothing parents" calmly took out a fedora cap and put it on his head. With the decoration of a hat, Vincent looks like a young gentleman with a British style. When walking in the wind and snow, even the curve of the hem of his coat is so charming.

The broker, who had a bare head and messy hair, gritted his teeth and didn't speak for a while.

Although Frank came to negotiate, the team behind him did not come with him. The only all-around assistant Cindy was still on the way.

Because both parties are in a tentative attitude, Burberry is an old British luxury brand and is known as the British national treasure brand. Over the years, without exception, their spokespersons rarely appear to be non-British nationals.

Just like Burberry's dominance in the UK, the spokespersons they choose are usually well-established local celebrities. In this way, the agent actually does not have much hope for this negotiation. On the one hand, compared to being a global spokesperson for a brand, if you are just a spokesperson for a region or a country, it seems to be a much lower level.

Mr. Dolson is not too ambitious. His experience and vision tell him: This is not the only one.

Opportunity is really an important ingredient. Signing a star when he is unknown and signing him when he is extremely popular have two completely different results - the former may be signing a potential stock that lays golden eggs. Of course, the brand needs to pay The price is smaller. The latter is a win-win decision made under conditions of equal status.

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