Chapter 27 A Glimpse of the Theater

Start from the beginning

So, after leaving the airport, the two people split up and embarked on their own journeys.

Vincent got into a taxi and reported his address, then leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes, but it was obvious that he was not able to take a quiet rest as he wished.

The driver sitting in the front row asked enthusiastically: "There is indeed a big show going on in Covent Garden recently, but it will be very difficult to get a ticket at this point!" "I have picked up several tickets today

! They are passengers who want to go to the opera. Of course, they look like they are at the age where they like to listen to the opera." As he spoke, the enthusiastic middle-aged man smiled and looked at his passenger, who had an overly handsome face. Even though

he was covered with a hat, he could still see the blue eyes under the brim of the hat.

"Then what should I look at?" Vincent asked, leaning back in his chair and raising the corners of his lips.

"Oh, there are fewer and fewer young people who like opera now. I guess you will go and see Shakespeare's comedies. "Twelfth Night" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream", but recently only the mt hall has Shakespeare's comedies. Opera performances. The New Year is here, and most of the other major theaters are full-length ballets and orchestra performances. Of course, some traditional and old theaters will still perform classic plays according to their traditions in previous years." Vincent nodded slowly,

" Thank you for your advice."

When he got out of the car and just entered the door of Me London Hotel, he saw Lawrence Houllier waiting in the lobby. He was a strong and handsome old man, the father of Jennifer Landmore. Vincent's maternal grandfather.

"Caitlin has prepared warm and comfortable clothes for you." Lawrence stepped forward and gently patted the snowflakes off his grandson's shoulders, his kind and warm eyes always staying on Vincent.

"After dinner, we can set off to the Royal Opera House." Lawrence took the boy into his arms again, "Caitlin and I miss you, kid." Vincent nodded, "I miss you too, of course. , Mom and Dad miss you too."

Old Houllier smiled and patted the young man on the shoulder, "This time, Caitlin and I plan to stay in the center of the city for half a month. She said that many theaters have New Year's Eve events recently. There are many activities and programs, and you won’t get tired of watching them every day. And the transportation here is convenient, so she can play whatever she wants." "

That's good, grandma is still so energetic."

The family finished their meal and changed into clothes. Wear warm and formal clothes and get ready to head to the Royal Opera House. In fact, the Plehall and Lyceum Theater are only about half a mile closer to me London Hotel. Due to the hobby that the two old men insisted on, Vincent put on his gloves and went out.

In fact, except for some old theaters that are strict about guest dress, many theaters have developed to the point where they are no longer so strict about dress issues. After all, they are no longer in the Victorian era. Caitlin and Lawrence still changed their clothes, holding hands with each other, as if they were going to a dinner on some important occasion.

Lawrence booked a private room with a very good location, and Caitlin was very satisfied with it. The two of them sat on the seat hand in hand, leaving Vincent eating dog food from an old couple next to him.

"My dear, this scene reminds me of the first time I dated you." The gray-haired old Mr. Houllier looked at his wife lovingly and said softly.

"Me too. I always remember that you were wearing a dark blue bow tie. Just like you are today, you were extremely handsome - no leading actor on the stage could compare to you." Mrs. Houllier pursed her lips and smiled happily. She also carefully prepared clothing and fleece today.

"Your light blue dress has been lingering in my mind since that night. After I sent you back that night, I couldn't sleep for a long time." "I

am the same. I can't wait for the sun to rise faster the next day. This way I can see you again, Lawrence."

The two old people talked about love, and Vincent pretended not to hear.

After all, this isn't the first time this has happened. Lawrence Houllier almost became a drama actor when he was young. Because Caitlin liked it, he was willing to do what the other person liked. Later, after the two graduated from Cambridge together, they would go back to the school auditorium from time to time to watch the drama performances of the School of Art. Lawrence was still teaching at Trinity College for the past two years. Even though he is retired now, whenever there is a performance at the college, he will definitely invite his wife to enjoy it together.

The performance that night lived up to everyone's expectations, and Caitlin especially enjoyed it. When the three of them returned to the hotel, Caitlin seemed to be still immersed in the atmosphere of the opera.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Old Houllier patted his grandson on the shoulder, who was now taller than him. "If you still have enough rest time, are you willing to accompany me, an old man, to go Watch a show?"

"Why not?"

Vincent was not simply enjoying the drama performance, he was more thinking about the resonance between drama actors and movie actors.

It is undeniable that a large number of outstanding actors in the UK have extensive experience in drama performances before becoming TV actors or film actors. Even many actors are proud to have been a drama actor. Broadway is one of the reasons, and another essential reason is that the artistic foundation of performance is based on the stage, not the camera.

Just like a movie can be ng, can use various editing methods and special effects, and finally form a complete work. But the drama performance is done in one go, with one or two hours of talking, singing, crying, laughing, and jumping. They may perform the same script several times a week, but they can still bring different feelings to the audience every time.

This is the charm of the most intuitive performance - and it is also something that movies cannot match.

In the evening of the next day, the elder Houllier and his grandson walked to Plehall. The crowds here were incomparable with those at the Royal Theater and Covent Garden, but the visitors also loved theater. They sat in the audience and listened seriously. Waiting for opening.

Today's performance in the mt hall is Shakespeare's classic play "Twelfth Night". This is a typical female protagonist drama, and there are two female protagonists.

The second before the lights in the hall dimmed, Vincent caught a glimpse of a figure in costume. He seemed to be taking a deep breath. The heavy and gorgeous curtain hid half of his face.

Hollywood Diary (27)

I was forced to eat a lot of dog food today.

I’ve always believed that some traits and lifestyle habits can be passed down through blood – for example, Lawrence and Caitlin’s habit of showing affection was perfectly inherited by Jennifer.

During the two days and three nights I stayed with them, Caitlin did almost no work except for the makeup on her face, which she put on herself. There is Lawrence in wearing a coat, there is Lawrence in wiping mouth with napkin after meals, there is Lawrence in wearing gloves, even when going up and down the stairs, Lawrence will hold his wife's hand firmly.

Can the skill of doting on a daughter-in-law be passed down through the father-in-law and son-in-law?

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