Chapter Three

Start bij het begin

I took a 30 minute shower. When I got out, I wrapped my towel around my hair and walked into Cameron's room, thinking he wasn't there.

"Charity.." Cam said looking at my up and down. I instantly felt insecure. I ran into the bathroom to get a towel to wrap around my body.

"I'm sorry Cam I thought you were downstairs." I said embarrassed. This is not how I thought Cam would see me naked. "It's okay. You're beautiful with and without clothes." Cameron said walking over to me. He kissed me oh so lightly, and then made the kiss heated with passion and intensity.

"I better get dressed." I said pulling away from Cam. "Okay, I'll go downstairs." Cam said, before walking out of the room. I can't believe he seen me naked!

I got dressed and walked to Emily's room, who was doing her makeup. She kept it simple with winged eyeliner and mascara. I did the same. When we were done we walked downstairs. Matt and Shawn were on one couch and Cameron and Nash were on the other.

Matt looked at Emily and I could see a bit of sadness in his eyes. I looked at Emily and she had the same look. I whispered, "don't let him make you feel guilty." "I won't." She whispered back.

Emily went and sat between Matt and Shawn and I went and sat by Cameron. I could tell Emily was trying her best to avoid Matt. He kept looking at her. This is going to be a "fun" night.

We left the house at around 9. Jack G and Jack J were having a party at their house tonight, so that's where we were going. It's about a 20 minute drive. Cameron, Nash, and I was in one car and Emily, Shawn, and Matt was in the other.

We arrived at the party at 9:20. There were already a lot of people arriving. Emily and I went to find Madison while the boys went to find the rest of the crew. Once we going Madison we gave her a big hug.

"Emily! Charity! I missed you guys so much." She said gathering us into a hug. We met Madison at the last Magcon and been close with her ever since. Somebody started talking to Emily so I went to get a drink.

The house was packed with people. I could barely here myself think. Jack J was over by the drinks when I made my way over.

"Hey charity! Are you having fun?" He asked, practically yelling over the music. "Yeah. This is a great get together." I told him while filling my cup up. "That's good. So I heard about you and Cameron." He said. Cam must've told him. "Yeah, we were official this morning." I said, with a big smile. "You know something, Charity? I've actually liked you since the first time I met you." He said. Okay, I think he's drunk. I will admit, I used to have a small crush on Jack but I don't anymore.

"Okay, come on I think you need to sit down." I said trying to get him to sit down. "I could make you happier than what he makes you. I want you, Charity." He said trying to grab me. I just pushed him. All of a sudden o saw Cameron's fist. He punch Jack in the face. "Leave her alone!" He yelled. "Cam calm down." I said trying to pull him away. It was useless. He's so much stronger than me. He threw a couple more punches until Jack G and Nash finally managed to get him off.

I was starting to wonder where Emily was so I went to find her. I saw her outside talking to Matt. I couldn't help but hide in the bushes to hear what they were saying,

"Emily, I know you're happy with Shawn. But I really do still love you." Matt said. I could tell he was about to cry. "I love you too Matt, but you hurt me. I know Shawn would never hurt me the way you did." She stated simply. "I don't know how many times I have to apologize for what I did to you. I'm so so so so sorry." Matt said, tears running down his face. "I'm sorry Matt, but I want you to know that I could never love someone as much as I loved you." She said kissing him on the cheek before walking away.

That brought tears in my eyes. I'm glad she didn't let him get to her. I'm just hoping she doesn't see me. "You're terrible at hiding." She said with a small laugh. i just looked at her and let out a giggle.

We went into the house to see if the boys were ready. I decided to drive Cam, Nash, and Hayes. Hayes was going to stay with us tonight. Emily drove Shawn and Matt.

It was about midnight when we got home. I helped Cam get out of the car because he was so drunk. Hayes helped Nash. I'm so glad I only have one drink. I went inside and went upstairs to change into my pajamas. Cameron followed me. I went into the bathroom so the incident that happened earlier that day wouldn't happen again.

When I came out, Cam was already in bed asleep. I sighed and crawled right next to him. I kissed him on the cheek and then faced away from him. He turned around and wrapped his arm around me. Tonight was fun and crazy, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for us.


Sorry for a late update. I've been working on this for like 3 or 4 days.

Jack J trying to get with Charity?!

Please comment if I made a typo so I can fix it!

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