The aroma of coffee, bacon, and scrambled eggs filled the air as Todd and Abbey sat down to enjoy the breakfast Kenzo and Cyrie had prepared for them. Todd took a sip of his piping hot black coffee and smiled, showing his decayed teeth. "I'm impressed. I didn't know you were such a good cook, Cyrie. You should teach Abbey how to cook. She burns everything."

Abbey felt a pang of resentment in her chest. She wanted to snap back at him, but she bit her tongue. She had to control her anger if she still wanted to live with her boyfriend. She knew he had the power to send her back to the mental hospital, where she had spent most of her life. She couldn't bear the thought of him being alone with Cyrie. She didn't trust any woman around her boyfriend. Whatever it took, she had to stay by his side.

As they finished breakfast, a loud male scream pierced the air and startled everyone. They dropped their plates and mugs, spilling coffee and eggs on the tablecloth, and ran out of the house, leaving the door wide open.

A crowd of curious neighbors had already assembled outside, pointing and whispering at the source of the noise. Randall seized the opportunity and cautiously snuck into the house while the four of them were distracted. He had been watching them through the window the whole time, waiting for his chance. He quickly put a piece of paper into the front pocket of Cyrie's backpack and scurried out of the house, hoping no one would notice.

The neighbor who had screamed emerged from his house, looking pale and frantic. "Call an ambulance. My wife needs an ambulance." He shouted, gesturing wildly. Some of the nosy neighbors pretended to be concerned and followed the distressed man back inside his home, eager to see what had happened. A lady came back out shortly after, her face red with anger. She stormed over to join the other neighbors, who were whispering among themselves. "I was right. Liz is a whore. Behind our backs, our husbands have been spending their salary on that woman for erotic massages." She spat, glaring at the men in the crowd.

Kenzo rubbed his chin. "It was the woman who knocked on our door. She begged me to help her move a heavy massage table, but I refused. That's so bizarre. Why would someone want to kill her?" His voice was laced with curiosity and disbelief.

Cyrie gave a half shrug. "She probably angered a client or someone's jealous wife. She had quite a reputation of being a 'loose' woman. I bet her husband had no clue about her shady job." She said with a hint of disdain.

"They found Liz in her bathroom, lying still and pale in the tub. There was also a note taped to their TV screen, confessing that she had a secret job as a masseuse and that she had murdered her own mother for money." an elderly woman told them, her eyes wide with shock and gossip.

Todd and Abbey approached them quickly. "Let's get out of here before the cops arrive. They'll interrogate all the neighbors. I don't want them snooping around in the backyard." Todd whispered urgently as the elderly woman scurried away to see what was happening in the neighbor's house.

As Cyrie followed the others into the house, she felt a pair of eyes on her, but she couldn't spot anyone suspicious in the crowd. A wave of grief hit her when she stepped inside the place that had been her home for so long. She took her backpack, slung it over her shoulder, and looked around the room with a heavy heart. She had gone through a lot with Ma and Todd, but they had also shared some happy moments here. She reached for her handkerchief to wipe her tears, but a paper fell out of her backpack. She picked it up and read the message: "Don't worry, Cyrie. I will save you."

Cyrie stared at the paper, puzzled. She didn't recognize the handwriting. Could it be Kenzo? Why would he leave her a note when he could have spoken to her face to face? Or did someone else know about her situation, and if so, who? She closed her eyes briefly and hummed the mysterious song. Who had taught her that melody? It wasn't Ma or Todd, that was for sure. Someone else had been watching over her all along, but she had no clue who. Maybe that person was behind Todd's freak accidents and his disappearance. Maybe that person had rescued her from the drunk man.
Gratitude and hope swelled in her heart. She had a protector. Someone was watching over her.

As soon as they exited the house, they hopped into the car and sped off to Todd's place. Todd, who was sitting in the passenger seat, began to exhibit some odd behavior. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and let out a series of loud moans, as if he were suffering from intense agony. He screamed, "Pull over. I don't feel well."

Abbey, who was in the back seat, panicked. She watched in horror as Todd flung the door open and dashed behind some dumpsters. She quickly followed him, worried about his condition. She called out his name and asked him what was wrong with him. Todd gave her no answer.

Meanwhile, in the car, Kenzo whipped his head around and glared at Cyrie. He was furious. He bellowed, "What the hell did you do? Did you poison my boss?" His nostrils widened as he fixed his eyes on Cyrie.

Cyrie struggled to keep a poker face, but she couldn't hold it in any longer. She erupted into laughter. "Chill! You're getting all worked up over nothing. I didn't poison him. I just crushed some laxative pills in his scrambled eggs. It was payback for all the cruelty he inflicted on me when we were kids. He smeared mud all over my pancakes. He told me that it was chocolate. I wasn't a dumb kid. I knew it was mud. I refused to eat his filthy pancakes. He grabbed my head and forced my mouth open. He shoved the pancakes into my mouth. I gagged, but he didn't care. Todd just stood there and laughed. I was sick for days. Ma never punished him."

"Wow! That's cruel. He really did hate you," Kenzo's voice was full of shock. "Seriously, I thought you poisoned him. I was afraid to lose my job. Nowadays it's hard to find a good job." He gave her a friendly grin, trying to lighten the mood.

Abbey yanked the car door open and shot Kenzo a furious look. "I can't believe Todd is sick as a dog. C'mon, Kenzo. I need your help. I don't want to take care of him by myself."

"Sorry, Abbey. I can't leave Cyrie alone in the car. Todd told me to watch over her," Kenzo replied.

"Whatever! No one ever helps me out. I have to do everything myself. It's not fair," Abbey whined.

"Stop complaining," Cyrie said, tapping her fingers on her lap. "He's your man. So take care of him."

Abbey shot her a venomous look. "I wasn't talking to you. Mind your damn business." She grabbed Todd's bag from the backseat and felt a sudden chill. She stood still, holding her breath, as if waiting for something to happen.

"Did you guys hear that?" Abbey asked, her voice tense and urgent.

Kenzo and Cyrie exchanged a glance and shook their heads in unison. "Nope!" they chorused, hoping to calm her down.

"I'm not crazy," Abbey insisted, her voice rising. "I swear I heard someone sneeze. Kenzo, did you check the trunk before we left the house?" She demanded.

Her strange question baffled him. "There's no one in the trunk. It's small; no one can fit in there. You're being paranoid." Kenzo told her, trying to sound calm and convincing.

Abbey felt a surge of heat in her cheeks as she opened Todd's backpack and grabbed some clothes for him. She regretted asking such a dumb question. "Todd is giving me such a hard time. I'm so stressed out. Forget about it," she muttered, avoiding Kenzo's gaze. She left the car and ran back to her sick boyfriend, who was squatting behind a dumpster.

Cyrie watched her leave and wished she could get out of this mess, but she had no choice. She was trapped with Todd and Abbey. She could try to open the car door and run for her life, but she had nowhere to go and no money. She knew Kenzo wouldn't help her escape. He seemed afraid of Todd and loyal to his job. She couldn't count on him.

A tall officer in a crisp uniform strode towards their vehicle. He rapped on the glass with his knuckles, making them jump in their seats.

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