chapter 2

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a/n- Js there's some time skips, srry 😭

~A Normal School Day~

    AFTER WE GET OFF THE BUS, we have to walk up the stone pathway on the hill to the actual middle school, which is ridiculously hard. The campus is really pretty though. There are willow trees all over along with cute picnic tables. You could totally say our school gives off a dark academia aesthetic.

Once we reach the building, it feels like we had a whole workout. Doing this everyday too? Not so fun. Since my bus arrives a bit early, my friends and I go up to the Arthur Room. We hold all of our morning meetings and assemblies there. Its flooring has a light wood color and off-white walls.

Us seventh graders sit all the way in the back too. I see my main friends Trinity, Penny, and Claire sitting against the back wall. The reason I say "main" and not "best" is because I have no idea where I sit on their friend meter. Most days, I'm just another friend, sitting next to them talking and listening to them sharing hilarious texts they got from their parents. Joining the conversation just ends up no one understanding what I'm saying, so I just stay quiet. On occasion, Trinity treats me like I literally am her best friend. It is sweet, but it's just weird. Penny is just Penny. She's funny I guess, sometimes she has beef with me and other times she also says I'm the best. Claire is the one I can really talk to. She just has that kind of personality that anyone can feel comfortable with. But sometimes she reminds me of my old friends and it's way too close to home.

"Hey Ace," Trinity says, but passively and she returns back to her conversation with Claire and Penny. So we're probably having another "ignore" day. I sit down next to Claire and open up my book.

When the supervising teacher says it's fine to go to our lockers, I stand up and get my stuff together. But I wait for Trinity. I know she doesn't care that much about me right now, but there is a gnawing feeling in my gut that maybe she'll treat me like her best friend again. My brain is making up the excuse of me waiting for her because she's in all my classes, but my heart knows that's not the main reason. Unfortunately for my heart, Trinity didn't notice and waited for Claire and Penny.

Wow. I expected it but it still hurt. It's fine. Doesn't matter. I walk downstairs to my locker. Fun for me, my locker is just by the staircase, so I can see anyone who walks down. Once I'm down at my locker and take out the stuff I need, I see Trinity walking down with Claire and Penny. She has one of the sweetest smiles I've ever seen. Which also goes along with her perfect, clear, light skin and blue eyes. No wonder she has her people to lean back on. For me? I have my own knee to lean on. She walks past me and I just feel the tiniest bit of rage rising. How come she's the one who gets everything I want? She's just a dumb blonde after all–Wait. I have to stop myself. I can't talk shit about my own friend. That's just wrong.

I wait a bit at my locker so I don't seem obsessive and then walk over to her locker. It's decorated with pictures of her celebrity crushes. "Hey Trin, you wanna go to class with me?" I feel too awkward and lonely roaming the school alone.
"Yeah, sure! Pass my Spanish binder for me though, hon." I take out her binder from her locker and put it in her tote bag. See? She is still my friend. Nothing about her to hate.


    En la clase de español (in spanish class, for you dopes who also pour milk before the cereal), our teacher, Señora Pérez decides we don't have to do any heavy work since this is the last week before winter break. This is exactly why the Kalten School is better. Besides for the fact that we are gonna have to make up that heavy work after break.

"Hola, clase! Hoy nosotros vamos a ver una película!" Sra. Pérez says. She literally speaks Spanish all the time but doesn't require us to.

"Hold on," Trinity whispers in my ear. "What did she say?"

"She said we're gonna watch a movie," I translate. She speaks Spanish really fast but I only got it because I have a Duolingo streak over 465 days. My family is safe from all the horrors of the Duo's crimes. Unfortunately, that includes my sister.

"Ustedes pueden sentarse en el suelo delante de la pizarra." Señora Pérez goes back to her desk to probably grade or something.

We all listen to her and sit in front of the board while she projects the movie on it. The movie is called Salt. I get that salt is one of the greatest and most useful seasonings but do we really need a Spanish movie on it? The human race's logic scares me sometimes.

Once the movie starts, I can't help but notice how we are all settled down. I'm at the very outskirts of where we're sitting with no one close close to me. Everyone else is just lying and sitting down on top of eachother. Hold on before I continue, it's an all girls school. Just saying so it doesn't become weird haha. They're all laughing with their friends and I have my own bubble with a foot as the radius. I look at Trinity and Isla is laying down on her lap. Isla is watching the movie with such focus and I could never. My attention span is wayyy too small for that.

I know that everyone's just fooling around and it has nothing to do with me being lonely. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.


Next, I have English. Ironic, huh? Having Spanish class and then English, I'm switching through the languages! Except I suck at the one that's my first language. I'm pretty sure you can guess which that one is.

I walk into the classroom and sit down next to Cathy. We're pretty good friends. Yeah. I think. I say hi to Cathy right before my English teacher greets the class with her loud, peppy voice.

"HeeeEELLOoOO Class!" Ms. Martin sang. And she's an actual singer so it's not ear shattering, it's just annoying after a while. The only reason she's this happy to see us is because it's her first year at the Kalten School. I wonder how she's gonna be after a few years. "How are you all this Wednesday morning?"

Everyone's groaning some tired responses, but the second they quiet down, I have to be the only one heard. "I'm just hungry," I groan. But since this literally happens, every single time I'm fine with it. I'm not exaggerating about it happening all the time though.

"You're always hungry," Penny juts in.

"So? You got a problem with that Penny?" I stared into her eyes like she just broke my favorite blue crayon.

"Ahaha, let's calm down, but I can feel that!" She chuckles. Her dyed red, curly hair moves a bit since she's a BIG laugher. One time during a school play, when it was completely silent, I could hear her trying to hold her laugh back. But she was definitely failing. That's not her bad trait though, compared to what happens next.

She grabs the most delicious chocolate frosted donut from a Krispy Kreme Box and takes a huge bite. Right. In front. Of my. FACE! She even kept a smile on her face, almost like a smile of mischievousness. Oh how I wish I could just snatch it from her and sit back down, happily. My stomach is grumbling so hard and I was so mad, I could swear my water bottle was shaking so bad it could have a seizure.

I glance around, wondering if it really was just my stomach or my water bottle had something alive in it. I see Trinity quickly move her head back like she saw the water bottle too. "Did you see something, Trin?"

"Uhh, no what d'you mean?" Trinity's face turns really red. I can tell she's nervous, or at least she's hiding something. Maybe it's not about the water bottle. Maybe she forgot to do the homework. Eh, it doesn't matter. It disappeared from my mind for the rest of the day.

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