II - Investigation and consequences

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The police station here is surprisingly big, it might have around 3 floors, but that doesn't include the underground. Plus, just one single floor is massive. I'd say the size of a floor is at least four times larger than the big floor at our house, including the garden and the courtyards of both sides. The floor itself has a rectangular shape and is filled with offices and rooms. 

The officer took me to a closed room, and forced me to start talking. I didn't talk, but this was not because I did not want to, and I did want to please the officer. 
Rather, I did not talk because there was too much to talk about. I did not know where to start. 

I kindly asked the police officer to ask me some assisting questions to let me know what is it he wants to know. He replied with: "I will need to know everything about the so called 'real' incident and who else witnessed it." 
That is good to know, because I am highly descriptive when it comes to explaining stuff. 
So, I replied with: "I went to take the trash out. It was a highly windy day. Suddenly, a large, light, shiny, rectangular-like object appeared in the wind. It was so shiny, one could have seen everything and become blind. So, I froze, and it got near me, until it was too near.  Then, it hit me in the head. Thus, I hallucinated while I passed out." 
"What did you hallucinate?" 
"I saw nothing, until I saw a small, white dot. Then, I saw another one. And another one. I saw more and more of such dots until the entire place I was in was completely white. Then, a hand appeared. It seemed as if the person who the hand belongs to was wearing a long, white dress." 

"That description of what happened is enough.", said the officer. "Now, tell me, who else saw this object you claim hit you?" 
"Only my parents were there, except for me.", I responded. "They got there around 90 seconds since the landing of the object. They were severely worried of what happened to me and wanted me to feel better afterwards. After I got up, they took me back home and put me on the couch. Later, they called the police and you showed up. I believe you know the rest better than I do." 

"Alright," said the officer. "You may go home now. I would like to speak with your parents as well." 
The officer and I went outside and we were about to enter the patrol vehicle. The time was around 19:55 Post Meridiem, and the only visible lights were the ones emitted by the night lamps and the ones reflected by the moon. 
The moment the officer opened the patrol vehicle's door, there was another light, emitted by another big, rectangular object. The officer and  I immediately froze in our places, not moving an inch; except for the officer, who said: "Great heavens, this lunatic is right." 

The object landed on me - again, but this time it landed on the officer as well. 
The dots appeared. I told the officer: "I'm a pro here. A hand will appear soon, and we will discover that it actually is a human being outside this hallucination." 
The officer responded with: "Wait, we can talk in here?" 
Then, the same hand which was in my vision appeared. And so did another one. Then a whole human being did such.
I was shocked to discover that the hand is part of a human being. And yes, he did wear a long, white dress. 

"Who are you?" asked the police officer. 
"I'd love to tell you," the being said, "but that's none of your business." 
The being snapped his hands and the officer vanished from the hallucination. 
"Now, Elijah, it is time I introduce myself to you," he said. "I am the person whose hand appeared in your first vision." 
I asked: "What is your name?" 
"You can call me Jozeriah the Israelite," he said. "or just Jozeriah for short. I will guide you through such visions and hallucinations, and who knows? Maybe you will become like me one day!" 
"Well then, Jozeriah," I said. "how do you know so much? What is your role in life?" 

Jozeriah seemed pleased, as if I read his intentions and ambitions and wanted to make them come true. 
"You see, Elijah," he said, with a smile, "I am a prophet." 
I was happy to hear that there still are prophets in this world. I am even named after one! 
It seemed as if he knew what was going on in my brain and in my heart. He said: "I'm glad you're happy, fellow prophet. Too bad you can't use your powers anymore." 
I was stunned. I am a prophet? A powerless one? I had so many questions. I still have some, in fact. 

"What do you mean by prophet? Prophet, as in prophet prophet? What do you mean by losing my powers? How did I lose them? Why did I lose them?" are a jot of the questions I had. 
"Calm down," Jozeriah told me. "There is no need nor reason to cover yourself in such a stressed feeling. I understand being a former prophet is a piece of astonishing news, but you have to calm down to fully understand them." 
I tried to cool my emotions to understand my new role in life better. I took long breathes with long pauses in between. 

"Are there more people like me, setting foot on this planet?", I asked. 
"What do you mean by 'like you'? The rest of the humans here are humans as well, if that is what you are asking." 
"I meant, are there more former prophets?" 
"Well, there aren't any... yet. We are working on borrowing lives more, so we could make other people believe stronger in God the almighty." 
"Wait... bo... borrowing lives? What do you mean by that?" 
"It is pretty simple, actually. Borrowing a life is not actually taking the life out of one's body. Rather, it is more like putting the abilities and characteristics of a biblical character inside a living person's body. The name borrowing barely has anything to do with what the act this name belongs to really is." 
"So, am I a biblical character now? Which biblical character am I?" 
"Approximately. You are Elijah, but you are also... Elijah. Quite a coincidence, huh?" 
"So, I am Elijah, but also Elijah-" I just noticed what he did there.
"I am also the Elijah? The Elijah who diminished the false Baal prophets with fire from the sky? The Elijah who we keep a glass of wine to every Passover?" I asked.
"Yes, Elijah. You are the biblical Elijah as well now." Jozeriah answered.

"What happened to my prophet powers, then?" I asked. 
"You see," Jozeriah started his sentence with such. I knew something disappointing will come out of his mouth. "things have really changed here on Earth since you were taken upwards. People don't really need other people with prophet magic and such." 
As I guessed, this thing disappointed me. Apparently, he never stopped this sentence, so let's hear what he has to say. 
"Despite you not being a prophet anymore, God will always be with you. He will protect you when needed. You will feel his presence wherever you are. You won't be able to change it." 

Then, I heard a hand clapping on to another one, chanting "Elijah! Elijah!" 
I asked Jozeriah about what is it that is going on, but he didn't respond. After that, he vanished.
Suddenly, an ambulance like siren started appearing in my mind. 
I got up. I saw my parents there, alongside the police officer who was with me during the origination of the hallucination. Next to them, there was an ambulance. They all were highly worried, especially my mother. She seemed as if I am dead. 
"Are you okay? Is everything alright, sweetie?" my parents asked me. I responded with a simple "I'm fine, no need to worry." 
"Last time you hallucinated, right? Did you hallucinate this time?" asked a person in the nearby ambulance. "As a matter of fact, I did!" I exclaimed.
The person went out of the ambulance. He seemed like a formal doctor. He talked to my parents. In the middle of their conversation, I saw that they looked as if they discovered the world is going to implode some time in the next five seconds. Then, they looked at each other, and then at me, confused. After that, they returned talking to the person who I assume is a doctor. Important to mention that as usual, there was no proof that this object ever existed as well. 

My parents were the ones to take me back home. The ride was long and awkward because of the lack of talking, despite the both of us knowing something. 
My father attempted to lower the awkwardness by saying: "I heard you were hallucinating. What were you hallucinating about?" 
I answered my father, by saying: "Well, it is time that I confess. You were right by naming me 'Elijah' after my birth, although he is not a prophet anymore." 
My mother then asked: "Wait, how would you know?"; that was when they noticed.
"Mom, dad, in my hallucinations it was revealed to me that I am the prophet. God will always be with us. Even if you cannot feel it, he will always help us. I am sorry I did not tell you this earlier." 
My mother looked at my father, and my father looked at my mother, thinking they know well what needed to be said. 
"You are not the prophet", said dad, "you are not sorry either. Rather, you are going to therapy." 

Good to know that my parents are not considered lunatics anymore, but I still am considered such - by them. I am not sure what to think about it. I mean, I know that they are wrong and that they think I am the wrong one, but they don't know that I am right and that they are the wrong ones. 
Maybe it is because they think it is absurd? Maybe it is because of the illusion that they are parents and therefore they must be right? Who knows. I just hope that clarification may come upon us.

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