History's Tidings I

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History was a controversial class. Despite that, it was a tool to keep you aware of what humans can do to each other. A small glimpse into our corrupt history that leads you down a curious path of discovery. However, it's only helpful when "correctly" documented in a way that allows both sides to see the light. There should be no hiding the atrocities or trying to water down the obvious villain in the story. It needs to be regulated so it can't be manipulated. The "winners" should not be able to write what they please without evidence to back up what will become historical documentation.

The documents of history should not be wooed in their favor. They kill off the ones who experienced and survived the tragedies. They lived through genocide and bodily restrictions as they fought to love who they wanted to love consensually. An example of history changing would be how this nightmare happened. It appeared suddenly and without warning, but that would be a lie that they wrote down.

Either because they were living under a rock and ignored the signs or because they wanted to cover their asses because they ignored the signs we screamed. We screamed and showed them the underlying problem, but just like in the past, they don't want to hear us if it doesn't earn them money. They're deaf unless you're speaking through a megaphone molded from twenty-four-karat gold.

This all started four years ago, in the year 2664. When the sky was a Cerulean blue powered in aquamarine blue to reflect the crystal clear waters we finally achieved on our beaches, we assumed we had removed the people holding us back in the 21st century and have worked to get here since.

Over six decades later, we only see progress in saving our planet. Everything appeared perfect for once, ending our streak of bad luck for the past six hundred years. Each year, a new cursed game of Jumanji distracts us from achieving a harmonious sanctuary for humans and animals. That movie's name was thrown around so much in the past that it became a common saying for having a bad year.

Like in the past, history is known to repeat itself because of our stubborn ignorance. Humans need to learn from their mistakes. Time and time again, we can't seem to chase our tails, continuously forgetting that they're always attached to us. But yeah, it was sudden in the eyes of the rich living on their privileged high horses.

If their android ever acted up or did anything wrong, then they could trash it and buy a new one. They would wipe its hard drive anytime it spoke of anything unfavorable toward its stacked owner. After two years of us showing them what was happening, it was brushed under the rug as a sudden attack because it didn't affect them as it did with us. Then the catalyst occurred. It happened after the new generation of trust fund idiots came to buy their way into power as they continued to ignore us.

A new generation of the same old selfish cycle. Mankind has taken its first step out of digital AI, which used to be limited to your phone, TV, and computer screen. Something greater than Google Home nests and Alexa smart gadgets. It started with A roboticist with a computer science and coding doctorate. He was named Elijah Smith. He had come into the limelight with the help of his partner, who remained anonymous to the public. Many speculated what celebrity or politician it could be, but no one ever came forward or was doxxed.

They both presented to the public a new, innovative helping hand that would replace the hard tasks of daily life. Their "highly" tested robotic creations were set to be sold to the public at a suspiciously affordable price since a certain amount was made for the testing launch. They also accomplished this feat after winning a grand prize in a coding contest. After a short deliberation when asked, he and his partner named the robots the acronym G.E.A.R.S. Androids. This stood for General Engine for Augmented Reality System, but most people called them Gears. Three types of robots were created for this startup, and they hoped to expand into AI pets and exotic wildlife in their next product batch.

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