Sleepover, part 2

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Keith woke up to the rest of his friends already up and moving around, maybe making breakfast? Who knew.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes. Right, he fell asleep later than everyone else. But, so did Yehl, didn't she?


Suddenly, the memory flashed vividly in his mind. He blushed and rolled over to hide his face in the pillows.

As if on cue, Yehl shook him by the shoulders. "Wake up, before I kiss you again." She whispered, looking around to make sure no one heard.

Keith shot up, rubbing his eyes. "Sleep? No, I wasn't asleep. I was just resting my eyes."

Yehl chuckled and pulled him off the couch by the hand, dragging him to the kitchen.

Inside, Peter showed off his burnt pancake to everyone as if it were some kind of medal. "Looks scrumptious," Cole said sarcastically.

"How.. How do you burn a pancake that bad? How is that possible? Could you get a world record for that?" Lily said, puzzled.

Peter grinned. "Coles already a chief at this point, who needs to cook anyway?"

Cole smiled and shrugged. "I guess having to cook yourself for two years on a remote island in Alaska super isolated really helps your cooking skills."


Keith picked at his nails nervously. Soon his mother or father, or worse- both, would be here and they would ridicule him. While the others talked and laughed, he picked nervously again and again.

Yehl took notice. "Do you need nail polish remover? Im sure Peter or Cole has some," She said reassuringly.

Cole shook his head.

"Im not that gay, asshole, and I don't appreciate your stereotypes." Peter said jokingly.

Yehl smirked and shrugged, turning over to her sister. "Lily?"

Lily shook her head as well. "No, I don't really paint my nails much,"

Keith was internally panicking. Why had he agreed to this??

Cole perked up a bit. "My mom probably has some," He suggested. "We should go ask her."

Keith immediately bolted to Coles mothers room, knocking politely.

She opened the door with a big grin on her face. "Hello, how may I assist you? Do you need some water? Tea? Soda? I know how boys your age love soda," She said enthusiastically, most likely referencing Cole.

"Uh, no. Thank you, Mrs Matthews, but I just need some nail polish remover, if that would be okay with you?" He asked hesitantly.

"Oh, please, call me Cindy! I don't like all that fancy smanchy label stuff," She said cheerfully as she fetched some nail polish remover.

"Thank you, Miss Cindy," He thanked her with relief.

Calling her miss Cindy was definitely not that much of a step from Mrs Matthews, but he'd learn. He was just so used to authority figures being so strict and demanding. Who knew a grown woman could be so nice to some teenager?

"So, how was she?" Cole asked when he got back, slightly embarrassed. "She can be a bit much sometimes." It was true, she was always overly kind, almost like she was trying to completely forget her past.

Keith shook his head. "I think she was friendly."

Lily nodded in agreement. "Your mom is super kind, Cole. Your really lucky to have such a caring mother,"

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